A Splash of Cold Water

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Exhausted from a long day, Wolfgard walked briskly to his tent. He'd been able to think of little else after seeing Su'a at the Holmgang. Her siren call beaconed him. The fire behind those beautiful brown eyes made him as ridge as steel every time she cast her contemptuous gaze upon him. He could tell she loathed her life as a thrall. He was frankly surprised she had not tried to take her leave when an opportunity presented itself. He seemed only barely tolerable to her for the protection and safety he offered. Outside the tent, she liked to pretend he did not exist but inside she resentfully did his bidding. Her brazen personality became more evident in the past weeks and despite the protestation of others, he refused to temper her. Some creatures were just not meant to be broken. Her beauty lay in her boldness, her intelligence, and her neverending stubbornness. She possessed the iron-forged will of a Viking through and through. 

He ambled slowly wondering what hell lay in wait for him. He smiled to himself. Once her anger cooled he'd feel her fingers drifting across his skin like petals dancing on the wind. Her soft pliant body pressed close to him during the cold night. All of this making him eager to return to the confines of his tent, undeterred by what lay in wait. At least, there he could avoid the judgmental gaze of others and indulge in her completely.  When morning came he was always tempted to stay abed with her cradled in his arms. It was a risk revel in these delights. His interest in her should only be limited to the repose he found in her touch. It pushed back the demons threatening to overwhelm him. It was hard to ignore the growing temptation of her supple curves. He was a man after all and he was not made of stone. 

On his approach, he could see the fire was lit. Her shadow paced across the width of the tent. He hesitated for a moment. A chuckle escaped him. If only Alrik could see him now, he'd never live this down.  An artic wind blew, chilling him to the bone. He pulled his pelts closer to his body. He could not avoid this any longer, he opened the tent and stepped inside. 

He found her seated near the fire. Her eyes looked on him almost immediately. She stood and bowed her head, mumbling a forced greeting. He said nothing. He turned to cleanse himself the way he had every night since they met but tonight something was different. She did not look away. She did not shift her gaze away when he peeled off the last of his garments but keep her eyes fixed on his. He had received many looks like this in the past but always from foes to be cut down in battle, never from a woman. 

"Something troubles you Marigold," He said pulling on a clean pair of trousers. The item hung low on his hips, exposing his well-hewned body. He waited as her eyes drifted to his chest, his torso, stopping just shy of his hips darting back up to his face. He watched her distracted look fade and morph into something he'd already predicted was coming. Her eyes squinted in the dim light, a wrinkle forming between her brows with her deep frown. Her lips pressed to a thin line like she was trying hard to keep herself from losing control. 

"Yes, Lord. I am troubled," She said with barely any effort at civility. 

The corner of his lips pulled up in a cocky grin. Her rage seemed to crackle to life, like the fire that burned in the hearth between them. The only way to endure this was to let her have her say or he'd have to endure cold baths and tasteless food for weeks. 

"Speak freely Marigold"

She stood marching toward stopping just short of his chest. "You nearly got Alrik killed! All for some stupid political ploy! How can you say you love the man if this is how you treat him?" 

"Marigold-" He had hardly finished the word before she cut him off,

"You will listen, Lord. You needless risked his life. Alrik and Somerhild love each other. Why have you not released her so she can marry him? You, Lord, are cruel, vain, and selfish. I wish I had died in Morocco instead of being taken by you." 

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