The Whipping Post

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Wolfgard followed Su'a out of their tent grudgingly with all the grace and temperance of a petulant child, stomping as he went and pouting just as much. There, he met Alrik and Somerhild, along with his highest ranking warriors awaiting him outside. Wolfgard's face crumbled to a grimace.  Alrik's wide smirk meant he'd heard the entire occurrence betwixt he and Su'a. Even worse, there was evidence of it still. Wolfgard's mangled wet hair clung to his shoulders. Its icy touch against his skin made him growl contemptuously.  His men knew his aggrieved countenance meant a day of enduring his short-tempered outbursts and lots of shouting. 

"Say nothing, Alrik, or I swear I'll kill you," Alrik burst into a roaring belly laugh. Embarrassed, Wolgard forged ahead toward the main tarp. Su'a sighed as she watched him go. She felt a twinge of regret wondering if she'd pushed him too far. He was being unreasonable and she refused to be treated thusly. He basically told her that she and Somerhild were no more than property. That they had no value in his world. She'd show him her value in more ways than one. He deserved that icebath and so much more, she thought as she glared as his distant form. 

"What have you done to the poor man?" Somerhild asked. "I've never seen him turn that shade of pink. I thought he'd kill someone." She chuckled. 

"He still might," Unfettered, Su'a countered. 

"You had better make this up to him or we'll all suffer his moods for months. Come on, Marigold, there is work to be done." She looped her arm through Su'a's elbow as they left to perform their daily chores. 

Sometime later another thrall had come to find them preparing Wolfgard's meal within his tent. The young woman was fair-haired, young, with bright blue eyes. She had a small voice and an equally timid nature. 

"Marigold, Lord Wolfgard has asked for your attendance in the main tent." She said looking down shyly avoiding Su'a's gaze. 

"You'd better not dally. He is putting up with enough letting your antics this morning slide. Go quickly, I will handle things here." Somerhild shooed her, returning to her task. Something was amiss but Su'a couldn't quite place it. Wolfgard never summons her during the day. He had expressed his displeasure more than once about her leaving their tent. He'd made it perfectly clear that she should never leave unless absolutely necessary. Suspicion plagued her but she followed along nevertheless. Mayhap, Wolfgard finally readied himself to punish her for this morning's mischief. If so,  she had better make a plea and ask for mercy. Her temper had won the best of her once again.

She arrived in the main Pavillion to find it devoid of its usual crowd. The men had gone with Wolfgard but the person she found waiting was not whom she was expecting. Ravn sat on Wolfgard's throne, with her legs dangling over the armrest. Her braided blonde tresses draped over the other side. She had a smile on her face that raised all the gooseflesh on Su'a's body. Su'a bowed and greeted her trying to mask the anxiety that plagued her.

"Slave, do you know why you are here?" She asked while behind her,  shield-maidens came forward into view with clear malice in their features. These women bore her ill-will of that she was certain. Something told Su'a this little talk would not end well for her. 

"No, My Lady, I couldn't say," She answered much more calmly than she felt. 

"My brother, in his stupidity, is letting you lead him around by the cock. The display you put on in his tent this morning is an offense to our house. This insult is punishable by death. Your disobedience will no longer be tolerated. My brother has seen fit to allow me to discipline you." As finished her warriors inched closer. Their muscles flexing menacingly in the dim sunlight. Ravn's lips curled into a ghastly smile. That was the last thing Su'a remembered. 

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