When It All Comes Crashing Down

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Su'a remained in the hidden snuggery of the very livery she intended to burn. She made it passed the gates unnoticed and found kinship with a few of the villagers she knew from Tynemouth. 

A blithesome elderly couple caring for an energetic young boy. The family complacently followed Orm's decrees but did so with anger festering in their hearts towards him and his ilk. For they were amongst the first to leave Norway with Sigvat and among the first to settle in Northumbria. They had family ties to Wolfgard that stretched back generations and were lifelong loyalists. In the ensuing weeks, they passed Su'a food and information. Seeing to all her needs as they kept her well away from Orm's guard. 

Quick footsteps drummed against the barn floor. Su'a lay supine watching the old woman, Freygerd race across, peeking through the floorboards of the upper level. She listened as the attic's latch unfastened and Freygerd climbed inside. Sweating profusely and breathing heavily, the elderly woman took a few moments to comport herself prior to stating her purpose. 

"I bring news, Su'a," She said, squatting to take a sitting position near Su'a. With interest piqued, Su'a pulled herself up to sit on the floor. 

"Please do not keep me in suspense. What's happened?"

Cutting Su'a a mischievous grin Freygerd began, "Wolfgard has arrived and you will never guess the number in his contingent." 

Su'a pulled her lip between her teeth and considered, "I'm sure I couldn't know, please tell me."

With a look of pure elation, Freygerd continued, "He and his cousins brought five thousand men! Everyone is talking about it. He was spotted a few days passed by Orm's spies. They are only half a day's ride from here. It seems they are to besiege the keep presently. The talk is that Orm is beside himself. He's ill-prepared for such overwhelming numbers. His men are scrambling to make ready for the assault. The place is awash in confusion and panic. Drifting like a rudderless boat in an unfriendly sea. It speaks to his poor leadership and the faithlessness of Lady Ravn." Freygerd stated with fervor. "It is time to act, Girl. In this moment of chaos, lies your best opportunity."

Su'a bit and broke off a loose piece of the fingernail on her thumb. She considered her actions carefully, "What of Boe and Orinn? I would see you all to safety before pursuing such actions."

Freygerd reached across to clasp her hand, "Do not worry over us, Child. I will prepare the others to turn on Orm's men once those gates open. Just make ready to execute your plan at nightfall." 

"If perchance, I do not survive. I would have you carry a message to Jarl Wolfgard for me," Su'a suddenly felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. The prospect that she would never see him again seemed more real at this moment.

"I will do what I can," Freygerd gave her hand a reassuring pat. 

Su'a waited for the cover of darkness. In the hours when most people were asleep, she crept down from the attic of the old barn. She diligently released the horses forcing them to stampede down the thoroughfare. She could hear people shouting, adding more confusion over the sudden release of the animals. She quickly lit some hay ablaze and using a torch set the rest of the structure to flames. 

The fire quickly leapt upwards, raising a plume of flame and smoke that seemed to rise a mile high. An alarm sounded outside and people rushed the building. She hid in the darkness of an alley, watching them form the fire brigade. All in a desperate act to keep the flames from spreading to the adjacent wooden structures. They passed buckets of water hand to hand, trying to squelch the flames. Some moments later, Orm, Ravn, and even Bodil arrived to see what all the commotion was about. 

When it seemed that most residents of the keep were occupied by the fire. Su'a made her way under the cover of darkness to the main gate. There were still a few men posted along the walkwall and two remaining gaurds at the pullies that controlled the bridge. She shifted her hood over her head and secured her cloak around her. There was no turning back, the gate had to be opened. She felt for the dagger hidden at her thigh before making her way to the men standing guard. 

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