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Su'a finally finished drawing in the length of string two moons after she was set to task. She dutifully reeled it in a foot at a time as instructed every night.  At one point, she feared there would be no end and nothing was tethered to the other side. When she took it out of the water, she was pleasantly surprised to find something small and round at the end of it. It was a ring forged in gold. A rare and expensive find. Its banding was decorated with a large leaping wolf, with a crown upon its brow and encircling the rest of the ring was vine ladened with flowers. 

What could this mean, the wolf, the crown, and the flowers? She slipped the ring onto her finger, it fit perfectly where a wedding ring should be. She thought this would give answers and certainty but what she pulled out of the water only brought more questions.

"Found your answer, have ye girl?" Su'a startled at Brunhild's scratchy voice. She hadn't expected anyone to be out in the forest so late at night. She waited until the early hours, most nights, whilst Wolfgard slept to slink away. She would mislead the guards by saying she set out to bathe in the river and they let her through without quarrel. She was well known as Wolfgard's favorite. 

"Yes, Volva. But I do not know what this means," She pointed the ring at the elderly woman. Brunhild's opaque green eyes studied the item without much fascination or interest. As if she already knew all the secrets it had to tell. 

"You will in time, but I hope for the sake of our people that you are strong enough to bear the consequences of your choice." Her eyes suddenly slashed in the direction of Uppsala. Her pale skin turned a splotchy grey as a look of dread darkened her features. "The chieftain is in danger, go now, or risk the path closing before you."

Su'a's eyes widened at Brunhild's warning. As she lifted her skirts to run, she felt the old woman's gnarled bony fingers clutch her arm. "The Golden Wolf must survive or we will lose more than just the future of one selfish girl. We are all finished. Do you understand girl!" She shouted squeezing her arm with more strength than Su'a had expected. "Be quick, his enemies are almost upon him," She released her with a shove. 

"Yes, Volva," She answered though without completely comprehending the Volva's words. Her immediate concern was Wolfgard's safety. She bolted down the forest path in the dim light of the waning moon. She retraced steps that she had taken hundreds of times and thus needed no light to guide her. As she approached the keep, she saw dead bodies litter the ground. They were Wolfgard's huscarl. Men, unfamiliar to her flooded the grounds. She recognized one of them, he directed the others to move under the cover of night. It was Prince Orm. He made his move against Wolfgard.  

She slunk in the darkness, making her way to the hidden entrance of Wolfgard's chamber. Wolfgard bade her never use it unless in the direst of need. She crept low keeping to the shadows crawling along the side of the wooden wall, feeling for the knob that would allow the door to give way. A set of heavy footsteps approached and the threat of discovery weighed heavy when her fingers found purchase and the door gave way. Her figure faded into darkness just the enemy soldiers happened by.

"Lord," She whispered, shaking Wolfgard's large body trying to rouse him from slumber. "Lord, please you must wake."

When he did not stir, she went for his sword and armor placing them within arms reach. She returned to him, trying to quietly wake him. When his eyes did not open her frustration bore fruit and she struck him hard across his face, hissing his name, "Wolfgard, awaken you oaf."

She raised her open hand to strike him again when his steely blue eyes flashed open and he snatched her wrist in midair. "Damn you, woman! It's bad luck to wake a man-"

He'd hardly uttered the words when her delicate hand covered his mouth. A finger pressed to her pursed lips, as pleading eyes begged silence from him. "Lord, there are men in the keep. They have killed all the household guards. I saw Prince Orm leading them. Lord, we must take our leave of Uppsala now."

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