Pykja Vænt Um

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Brunhild shut the door behind her. A worried expression deepening the wrinkles on her weathered face. She watched Su'a pace the hall like a tigress trapped in a cage. Somerhild reclined against the partition, unfettered by her friend's distress.

Hearing the click of the softly shutting door, Su'a turned sharply that her gaze might find the source of the noise. Her eyes locked with Brunhild's, who offered a rare but contrite smile. She shuffled to stand before the old woman with Somerhild close behind.

" is he, Volva? Will he live?" Su'a asked in hurried anxiety, clinging to Somerhild, who stood somberly at her side. Bright eyes lined with dark circles, pasty skin, cracked lips, and nervous tension that shook her like a frightened animal; Brunhild's old eyes missed nothing. Su'a neglected herself and Wolfgard's recklessness had only made it worse.

"I barred you from his chamber that you might care for yourself and the child. Heed my warnings girl, this must not go on." She shook an admonishing finger in Su'a's direction. It had been a few days since the Holmgang and during that time, Su'a was practically a fixture at Wolfgard's side, until she finally intervened. Brunhild expected that he would succumb to the poison. Hemlock has no antidote but Brunhild was beginning to suspect it was not hemlock at all. 

"Volva, please tell me," Large brown eyes pleaded. Admittedly, Brunhild grew fond of the girl. She proved to be worthy of the future Brunhild helped her secure . She pressed her lips to a thin line and gave a disapproving glare.

"Wolfgard wakes but he is weak. His body has fought off the poison. I believe that he will live." She said, and again in an uncharacteristic move, she smiled. A grateful and relieved sigh escaped Su'a. She pressed her hand to her heart and whispers a few words of thanks to her God. 

"You may see him, girl, but be brief. He requires rest to regain his strength." Brunhild said returning to her usual matter-of-fact tone.

Su'a grasped her hands and kissed them. Not only grateful for her help in Wolfgard's care but for that and so much more. "Thank you, Volva. May Allah bless you, the one who says the least but does the most." 

Touched by the girl's sincerity, Brunhild placed a hand lovingly to the crown of her head and offered a silent prayer to her own Gods for her continued guidance and protection. "I will take my leave of you. Saxon." She added leveling a pointed look in Somerhild's direction before turning to make her way from the hall.

Su'a wiped at her dry eyes, "What was that?" Curious about the exchange between the Volva and Somerhild.

When Somerhild looked away and did not answer, Su'a scrutiny grew. "Somerhild, is there something you wish to tell me?" She asked, stepping closer with a cursory look.

Somerhild's eyes looked everywhere but at Su'a. Remorse written clearly upon her face. Su'a knew her well enough now to know, she had done something. And perhaps in the telling of it, Su'a would find it audacious.

 "There is!" Su'a exclaimed. "Tell me, friend. Why do you avert your gaze?"

Somerhild pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and fidgeted nervously, "Su'a, before I begin, I would ask you to remember that I love both you and Wolfgard very much. You are my family. And I did this for both of you." She said, prefacing with her the intentions.

Su'a folded her hands over her chest and offered a quizzical but expectant look, "What have you done, Somerhild?" Su'a was old enough to know that conversations which started in this manner never went well. 

"I... may have switched Orm's sword with one laced with belladonna instead of hemlock. And I... may have been giving Wolfgard Jaborandi to reverse the effects." She clasped her hands before her in an attempt to appear repentant but Su'a knew better. Somerhild knew exactly what she was doing.

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