The Banks of The River Team

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It had been decided that Wolfgard and Bodil would marry the following summer. As they were still deep in the winter months, tradition demanded that festivities be delayed till then. Su'a had some months yet to secure her place with Wolfgard. Princess Bodil remained at Uppsala as Wolfgard's guest while they made attempts to cultivate 'inn matki munr' ('the mighty passion'). This was an intricate and involved set of specific rituals. 

Somerhild explained that the couple would be required to meet and talk, as a way of forging a relationship. If Wolfgard was too slow in making advances to his prospective bride, the lady's relatives could take this as an insult. Marriage talks would fall apart and end with her family seeking blood vengeance. But it was the odd practices which were also employed that piqued Su'a's interest. For instance, if Bodil wanted to show Wolfgard she liked him, she would make him a shirt. As for Wolfgard, he would handpick a bunch of purple flowers- and then slap her around the face with it. How Su'a relished the idea of Bodil getting slapped in her perfect face with those stupid purple flowers. 

Su'a did not intend to allow Wolfgard and Bodil the time to cultivate inn matki munr. She intended on staying as close to him as possible. She intended to inflame his passion for her and send Bodil back to Kattegat empty-handed. Thus far she continued to share his bed. Though he'd been more forceful in wanting to enjoy her, as he so gently put it. She'd found clever ways of denying the only chip she had to bargain with. He desperately wanted her maidenhead and she would give it to him willing but only once her place in Uppsala was secured. She had no intention of being a slave nor on being unseated by Bodil in his affections, be she a princess or not. 

Wolfgard sat in the main hall for the evening meal with Alrik at his right, Eirik to his left, Ravn, and Bodil only a few seats down. Soon Bodil would be seated on his right, no doubt a position of power. Thankfully, he spared Su'a the indignity of placing Bodil upon his lap in a show of affection. Su'a finished her food tossing the bones to the fire. Her bright brown eyes lingering on the young chieftain and his party. She looked away when his ardent blue eyes found hers. Feeling unsettled, she stood making her way around the fire pit intent on exiting the hall. 

She caught Somerhild's notice as she passed her on her way, "Marigold, why do you depart the hall? Is everything alright?" She asked concern etched on her face. 

"Somerhild of Wessex, I fear my place here is in danger," Su'a's eyes flickered to Wolfgard. Bodil observed the interaction. She smiled slyly at Su'a and muttered something quietly in Ravn's ear which earned her a fiendish grin in response. Bodil stood, gracefully moving around the table to settle between Alrik and Wolfgard. Her long curling fingers lingered on his forearm. She slid those spider-like appendages slowly, seductively up his arm to his wide shoulder. She leaned in close whispering, her lips pressing lightly to the shell of his ear. A broad smile cracked across Wolfgard's handsome face. 

Su'a balled her hand tightly into a fist. That smile should have been hers and only hers. This was the first time she ever recalled being truly jealous of anyone. Of wanting something which so clearly belonged to someone else. A burning rage hissed through her, shrieking a demand for release in the form of unwanted violence but she could do nothing. Somerhild's discerning eyes widened with realization. She grasped Su'a's arm hauling her out of the hall est she make a spectacle of herself. Bodil's scornful smile and sardonic gaze followed her from the hall. 

All the anger drained away the moment they left the hall and Su'a stumbled blindly behind Somerhild as she led the way. She asked in a defeated tone, "Where do you take me Somerhild?" 

"It frightens me the way you and Wolfgard go about regarding one another. You require answers, Marigold, and I intend to obtain them for you," She answered resolutely.

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