Rain before sunshine|| Javid (modern au)

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It was evening and Davey was sitting on the couch with a book when Jack walked in. His face was red with either anger or just because he was cold. It had been snowing for two days now.
"Hey cowboy." He greeted Jack with a smile, which soon faltered. Jack looked furious at him.
"What the hell, Dave!" Jack started yelling while walking toward the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Davey stood up and followed him.
"What did I do?" Davey asked while he leaned against the wall with crossed arms.
"Well I don't know, maybe you just forgot about the fact that we had a date night." Jack commented beginning with sarcasm and ending with just pure anger. "I waited an hour at the restaurant!"
"O my god Jack, I'm so so sorry." Davey looked shocked at his boyfriend. "I didn't mean to..." but Jack walked past him before he could say anything else. Davey was frozen on the spot. He heard a door slam and he knew he would be sleeping on the couch tonight if he didn't act fast. That's why he walked upstairs taking two steps at the time. He opened the door to the bedroom softly before walking in. There was a soft sobbing noise behind their bed. Davey walked around the bed and saw Jack sitting with his knees pulled up and his head in his arms. He slipped down next to Jack and put one arm around the sobbing boy. 
"I'm so sorry, Jack. I shouldn't have forgotten." Davey said as he laid his head on Jack's shoulder. 
"It's okay..." Jack's quiet voice was just above a whisper. "I don- don't blame you for forgetting. Hell, I have forgotten it in the past." Davey wrapped his other arm around the still sobbing boy too. 
"Hey... hey. Jackie what's the matter?" Davey was worried. If Jack wasn't mad at him... then why was he crying? 
"T- They were beatin' a-and..." Jack's breath quickened as he trailed of. He buried his head further into his arms. 
"Breath, Jack." Davey whispered in his ear. Jack complied at the best that he could.
"They we- were kicking Elmer in an alleyway be-because of his relationship with the boys. I- I tried to stop them, but those d- damn Delanceys kept going. It wasn't befo- before Elmer was unconscious tha- that they stopped." There were still tears escaping his eyes, but his breathing had almost become normal again.
"Where is Elmer now?" Davey asked Jack. His arms were still around the crying boy. It was an understatement to say he was shocked. He was straight out furious, but he knew that he had to stay calm for Jack's sake. 
"I brou- brought him home. Race s- said he would text me if he wakes." Davey was a little more at ease knowing that their friend was now save.
"Did they hurt you?" Davey asked Jack. He feared for the answer, but knew that he was thinking the right thing when Jack's body tensed. He nodded in his arms, but didn't do anything else.
"Can you show me?" Davey asked softly while removing his arms from the slightly shaking form. Jack looked up at Davey. His once bright eyes were now full of tears. Jack reached out to Davey and Davey helped him up carefully. Jack tried to pull of his shirt, but he hissed and stopped right away. Davey took the matters in his own hands and lifted the shirt carefully. There were bruises and small cuts all over his body. 
"O Jackie." Davey let out with a sigh while pulling the shirt over the boy's head. They only reaction he got were hisses from the pain. Davey grabbed Jack's hand and led him out to the bathroom. Jack sat on the toilet with his shoulders down. It looked like he just wanted to crumble in on himself, but was stopped by an invisible force. Davey took the first-aid kit that was in the cabinet and began to clean the wounds. Jack hissed and more tears escaped his face.
"I know it hurts. How about we get some sleep when this is all clean?" Jack just nodded in response. 

It took him half an hour to clean all wounds. He stood up and wrapped his arms around the small form of his boyfriend. He pressed a soft kiss in his hair and just stood there for a minute. When he pulled away he saw Jack fast asleep against him. He smiled at the now peaceful looking boy and wrapped his arms under Jack. He carried him bridal style to the bed and laid him down. He laid down besides his boyfriend without bothering to change into his pajamas. Jack curled into Davey's side and Davey wrapped a protective arm around his boyfriend. He kissed the boys head once more before shifting into a more comfortable position, but he still kept Jack close to him. 
"I love you." Jack mumbled into Davey's side almost inaudible. 
"I love you too." Davey said while tightening his grip one last time before falling asleep.

So... this is my first Javid story! I was planning on writing something happy, but then I started having a bad day and this is what I ended up making. Please sent request! 


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