The Backstory

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This FIC/AU or whatever you want to call it, is for @ebb_the_goatherd on instagram or @bumblebeerb .  Go check her profile out and make sure you follow her! @ebb_the_goatherd, I love you so much and I hope you love this FIC/AU!

Summary: The horrible backstory of Lucy Sailsbury's death. Simon remembers it perfectly.

This chapter is very gruesome, so please, proceed with caution. This is a death, so don't expect anything happy. LOSTS OF ANGST! :(



Watford has always been my home. Partly because I used to live here with my mother when she was still alive, partly because I do live here for a big part of the year, and partly because I've grown up knowing magic and Watford as my home. As my school. And as something I would love to throw away. People ask why I hate Watford so much. It's not that I hate Watford School of Magicks, it's that I hate the Headmaster. Well, temporary Headmaster. Which is the Mage. And the Mage is also my shitty father. And I hate him. People ask why I hate him. That shouldn't be a question that anybody should ask. They should just know. He killed my mother. He killed Baz's mother- The previous Headmistress. And he fucking killed to amazingly powerful women. Just like that! The two Ladies of Magick. Gone. In one blow. It was in the Magickal Record and we studied it last year. I barely even passed the unit. Learning about how your mother died by your father letting a werewolf into the school and trying to save her only son is not something that I can easily stomach. I even wonder how Baz got through that whole unit. His mother was the main focus. Alongside the Mage.

I don't understand why the Mage is Headmaster at Watford. Temporary Headmaster. Whatever that means right now. But still! He was framed for murder! My mother's murder! I guess being the head of the Coven and being the Mage, let him have a little power over the situation. He defended himself by saying he didn't kill Natasha Pitch, but the vampires did. What kind of excuse is that? He's the one who let them in! He's the one who let that werewolf into my mother's office. He's the one who was responsible! And he didn't even go to Magickal Prison for his actions. What kind of Coven decides that? Letting a dangerous person protect a school or children and adults.


It happened days before the autumn term began August 12, 2002. My mother was in her office late, trying to finish work before the term started and I was playing with a red, rubber ball that I had found under her desk. I have a vague memory of the morning before the attack, but once the werewolf kicked down the door, it's all clear as glass. I didn't realise how late it must have been, since werewolves only transform into their werewolf form at night. On a full moon.
I remember my mother typing at her laptop, humming a tune I was well familiar with. She was bouncing her knee and bobbing her head, her curly blond hair swaying. I remember hearing a scream, a scream that was coming from the nursery, which I learned after. My mother stood once she heard the scream, grabbing her wand. Before she could spell me into my little room she had made for me, a werewolf kicked down the door. Breathing heavily and lunging for my mother. I heard her cry out when it clawed at her sides and I remember all the blood that came with it. I was sitting on the floor, crying, screaming, watching my mother being eaten and ripped apart by a monster before my eyes. She was nearly dead when the werewolf caught sight of me, crying with a ball in my lap.

I heard her yell, "No! Simon!" She spat out a spell once the werewolves claw pierced my right knee. I felt it digging in deeper and I remember screaming for my mother, she cast, "let your light shine!". The werewolf disappeared from in front of me, and the last thing I remember was my mother's dead, bloody body lying in a pool of her own blood before I passed out.

I woke up in Natasha Pitch's headquarters the day after, Baz laying beside me. I remember seeing his father and his aunt casting any healing spells on him as he slept, and I remember Ebb the goatherd casting spells on my wound as I lay awake, thinking about my mother.

An investigation was taking place right when the term bagan, there were emergency Coven meetings every day, continuing into the first two weeks of school. The Coven tracked down some of the vampires who raided the school 4 years after and found out that the Mage was behind all this. He was taken into custody and was fined and fortune, but he didn't go to prison. He was put under house arrest with strict orders. He wasn't allowed to cast any spells other than simple spells that didn't take up much of his magic, which was being tracked. He wasn't to have any communications with anyone, other than the Coven, if need be, and me. When I found out what the Mage had done to my mother, I was furious and I didn't talk to anyone for almost a whole year.

I was living with Ebb at the time, so I was with the goats or I was wandering the school. I looked for the nursery and I paced the Wavering Wood. I never went by the Weeping Tower, because that was the place my mother died, but I knew, once I was old enough to attend Watford, I would be in the Tower four times every day, for meals and tea time. I knew Watford like a shepherd knows his sheep. I explored every day that I wasn't training with Ebb. She taught me spells and read about Watford's history. She said I should know about magic since I am magic. She gave me my mother's wand on my 11th birthday (Training started the week after). She said she wanted me to have it. Ebb knew my mother, and she said that my mum was a Lady of Magick. Like Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch's mum. Both of them were the most powerful women in the History of Magick. Both in the Record and both well-known mothers with two son's who are to be enemies.

Ebb told me about her family. About my family. About the Mage. About me. There wasn't much to tell I think. Ebb said I was a very powerful child before my mother's death, full of energy and she said that I was the brightest child she had ever seen; just like my mother, she said. I would laugh and give smiles to everyone. That whenever I smiled at someone angry or sad, they would be happy and they would forget all their sorrows. Everyone thought I was charmed. After my mother's death, Ebb said she felt my power thin, she said everyone could feel it. That year, four of her sheep died, and I knew it was my fault. I was going to be the most powerful magician, but after August 12 2002, I was broken. And my power got diluted.

I tried to be happy, I tried so hard, and it worked for a bit. Ebb said she could feel the old happiness coming back. And that made me happy. After 3 years, I was 8 years old and I had a little more magic in me. I heard Ebb cast a small spell once, so when she was busy and didn't have her staff, I grabbed it and cast "You're getting warmer!" I ended up starting a small fire on the grass, just outside her barn. When Ebb found out she was mad at me for stealing her instrument and doing magic without anyone knowing. She said to never use someone else's magickal instrument, for you never know how it will respond. I knew Ebb was happy though, even if she was close to tears.

"Aunty Ebb?" I asked her. I always called her Aunty Ebb.

"Yes Simon?" She said sniffing at me.

"Are you happy that I cast a spell like you?" I gave the baby goat a scratch behind the ear. Ebb said they were called kids. I laughed at that.

"I am, Simon." She said nodding. "The sooner you learn magic, the easier it will be. But it was dangerous, and you could have gotten hurt, dear." She sniffed again so I grabbed her hand. "Don't do it again okay Simon? You have eight whole years to learn magic when you're old enough." She smiled and patted my head. I smiled and jumped up, racing inside the barn.

When I was 9, I was told that the Mage was my father. I was pretty much broken after that. But once again, Ebb helped me. She held me and let me cry on her shoulder. She cried too when one of the Coven members came to us with the news. He said that they had to run tests on Davey, and they found out that he was my biological father. They said that he would be the temporary Headmaster until further notice. I was too stunned to do anything that whole week. But once I recovered, I was back to my happy self, still not the powerhouse I once was, but I was happy and I was okay. 

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