Stop Ignoring Me

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Summary: Simon and Baz get in a fight and Baz ends up ignoring Simon.

Notes: Honestly, I have no I D E A what to name this chapter so it ended up as Stop Ignoring Me. Tell me a better chapter name and I'll change it.

Yeah, I posted 3 days ago. Yeah I'm feeling pumped about these next few chapters!

Also, this has some sad moments... And i think I used the f word way too much, but suck it were warned. This is also freaking short, so sorry not sorryyyy!

Peace -Ari <3



Simon ends up waking up at 2 in the morning. I'm sitting at my desk with my books and papers laid out in front of me when he groans and mumbles "Merlin, what time is it?" I don't turn to look at him because I know that will strike up a conversation, even though Snow and I need to talk about his werewolfism (I know he still wants to talk to me about something else though).

"Baz?" His voice is hoarse. I magick a cup into our room and cast a glass and a half. I hear him gulping and my face heats up. I stay sitting at my desk, going back to my homework. "Baz," he says again. Sternly. He sighs and I sit up straighter. Good, he's getting angry. "Were you up all night because of me?" This stops me. Technically, I was. I couldn't leave a were-boy in our room when he could turn into a werewolf at any second. But that wasn't the reason. I wanted to make sure he was okay, so I stayed up and busied myself with homework so I wasn't constantly watching him sleep, which I caught myself doing more than I'd like to admit.

"Snow, you turned into a werewolf. I'm not about to fall asleep and have happy-go-lucky dreams when you could transfigure back into a werewolf in the middle of the night. I'm not a fool. I won't be wasting my life for a pity mistake," I make sure to put a little snark in it because I know he can't see me sneer.

"Huh. So you were up," he says to himself. I glare at him. "Sorry, I guess." He falls back onto his mattress and pulls to covers up over himself. Just like that, and he's ignoring the elephant in the room.

I spin in my chair. "Are you serious?"


"You're going back to sleep right after you turn into a werewolf, not even thinking about self-discipline about forgetting to take your potion twice, that I helped you make willingly, so that something like this wouldn't happen. But of course, it does, and I'm stuck with you." I jab my finger at him for emphasis. He's so careless, when is he going to learn to protect himself and others?

He sits up. "Well I'm sorry you're stuck with me Baz. Because guess what? I don't want a roommate who'll be a right arse to me everytime I make a mistake! Just for your information, I was talking to Penny, then I went home to Ebb and we were walking about you, Baz. It's not my fault that I'm a werewolf. I didn't choose this! I didn't choose to become a monster! Looks like you want me gone. I was a fool to ever thin-" He mumbles the end, so I don't catch on to what he says. It takes me a moment to process what he said. My brain keeps going back to we were talking about you. I was a fool to ever think... He was talking about me with Ebb. What did she say? What were they talking about?

I'm just sitting in my desk chair, frozen. He huffs, bringing me back to the moment.

"Snow," I try.

"No. No, Baz. You won't listen to me, so why should I start listening to you? Just sod off." He lays back down and turns away from me. He got me there. Why should he start listening to me?

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