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Summary: Baz and Simon both think they are going to tell the other that they like eachother. 
Notes: Sorry this is posted so late. Im 20 mins from leavng my house to go on vacation where there will mst likely be no wifi. SORRY! No new chapters for 2 weeks. Sorry I left this on a bit of a cliffhanger....
Chapter Question: Do you think Baz or Simon will tell the other they like them? How do you think it will go?



So Bunce knows I like Snow. But she said something that caught me off guard. You're stupid to believe such lies. So does that mean Snow reciprocates my feelings? Does that mean he likes me? That he told Bunce that he liked me?

I should tell Simon, right? If Bunce is right, I should tell Simon I like him.... I should do it. I think I might. Bunce wouldn't lie to me about something like that, she's no Simon Snow. And if Snow hasn't realised that I like him, then he really is every insult I've ever said to him (I would never think of Simon as any of the insults I've ever said to him). He may just be a bit oblivious. And if he is, then I might as well help him figure out his feelings, right? What could go wrong? I mean, plenty of things could go wrong, but I am pretty positive that he likes me. A bit. Would he have hugged me if he didn't? No. He would've thought I was his enemy. And I'm not. Not really. Not anymore. At least that's what it seems. I did help him voluntarily with getting a cure --or as close as a cure as you can get-- for his werewolf problem, and I would do it again and again. I would take a stab for him, and maybe he would for me too.

So I should tell him. I'm going to.


Penny keeps giving me these weird looks. And she keeps smiling at me. And, winking? What's she on about? I know she went to talk to Baz after first block, and when she came back, that's when the looks started appearing.

I saw Baz in the hallway after the third block and Penny practically shoved me into him. She didn't even excuse it for something so that means she did it on purpose... She also said I was staring at Baz and blushing.... Maybe it's a full moon side effect? She said it wasn't, and not that I would admit this to her, but I believe that. I know it's not the full moon.

Though I have been feeling a bit odd. I ran into a wall today. Not even on purpose, I didn't even see it, and I only ate half as many scones as usual at breakfast, which was surprising, even to me. Penny said that happens to girls when they're on their menstrual cycle, that they feel sick and lose an appetite. I interrupted her because that is absolutely not what is happening to me and I never lose my appetite.

Penny says Baz doesn't hate me. And I don't think I believe her 100% on that. I mean, Iguess it would make sense; he has been relatively nice to be the past few weeks. Maybe I do believe her. To a point, at least.

I really don't think I am capable of keeping my feelings from him. What if we end up in a room alone... together... I might not be able to keep myself from him. I might just kiss him if he gets too close. And what if he doesn't like me back? What will happen then? I think I'll disappear. Maybe just stay at Ebb's and make Penny bring me my homework. Yeah, that should be plan B. My escape plan.


Simon's been watching Baz all day and it's physically painful to not do anything. These boys are in dire need of a push... together... maybe in the same room....

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