Werewolf Who?

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Summary: Werewolf-Simon?

Notes: Enjoy loves!


Simon was an absolute disaster yesterday night in the catacombs, and he's not any better today. My heart sinks every time I see him like this and I just want to pull him close to me and tell him it's alright. I want him to know he's not alone and I want to kiss his worries away. Except I can't do that. Every time I see him I will myself not to get close. I try to distract myself from leaving the room, and if that's not possible then I snark at Dev and Niall.

Classes are done for the day and I decide to head to the library. I'm sure Snow will be in our room or with Bunce, so I'll be free of him for a couple hours. Maybe I'll do some studying for next term?

I take my time climbing the steps up to the turret, making my strides as long as possible without looking sluggish. I know I'm good at it.

When I get to our door I hear a low grumble and a sound like books falling to the ground. I drop my bags and slip my wand from my sleeve. I grab onto the door handle and turn it slowly. I don't want to be heard.

I swing the door open, pointing my wand in the direction of the noise, my mouth already murmuring a disarming spell. The spell catches and a loud howling whine noise fills my ears.

Snow is in front of me, shaking like a dog. His school shirt is completely destroyed and lying in pieces all over the floor. There's fur forming itself all over his back and neck. His spine is hunched forward and his head is hung low. One arm is planted on his knee to steady himself while the other is clawing at the bathroom doorway. Clawing... There are claws on his hand. His paw. Claw marks are scattered around the room; the floors, Simon's bed, the walls, the back side of the door. 5 claw marks for each scratch. Crowley.

Snow lets out another howl, like he's in pain. He stumbles around making more trails of claw marks. He falls to the floor scratching at his face. It's no longer a face anymore. It's a dogs'. It's a wolf's. He has ears. Dog ears. Ons is split and blood oozes out of the wound. His eyes are diluted and black and his mouth is pulled up into a snarl. He's snarling. His lips make room for huge teeth and his nose is scrunched up, making him look pissed off. His nose is no longer a human nose. It's a wolf's nose. A snout. He's a werewolf.

He's transformed completely and he's lying on his side. I hear him whimpering and my heart shatters. A floorboard creaks under my feet and his ears perk at the sound. He scampers onto his hind legs and snarls at me. He's definitely two feet taller than before. He's heaving and breathing hard. My wand is out in front of me and I know I should be casting a spell. I should have been casting spells long before this. We make eye contact and I swear to Merlin, I see his fear in his eyes. He's scared, the poor boy. He doesn't want to be a wolf. But he has no choice.

His eyes flick down to my wand and turn my wrist just so. His eyes go big and he snarls at it, drool dripping from his mouth. His snout is sniffing at something so I turn my body, keeping my eyes on him and toss my wand onto my bed. He snuffles and looks at me. He looks like he's about to attack.

I raise my hands in surrender and take a step closer to him. He growls at me but it sounds completely wrong. It's not a growl, almost a choke-?. Did he say my name? He does it again. He whines, shaking his body, like he's shaking something off. What is it, Simon?

"Simon." He immediately stops shaking. His ears perk and for crying out loud. Then all hell breaks loose. He's shaking, snarling, growling, snorting, howling, slamming himself up against the walls. The door jambs on the bathroom break and he falls in. I run to my bed and grab my wand. I shout a freezing spell but it doesn't hold. Werewolf-Simon jumps up from the floor and heads my way. Any hope left in his eyes are gone. He's completely out of it.

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