I Know

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Summary: Penelope finds out Baz likes Simon.



"You didn't hurt him! Congratulations Simon. I never doubted you. Not one moment!" I'm being sarcastic and he knows it. I told him to not hurt Baz before I left, and surprisingly, he didn't.

He rolls his eyes and sits down at his desk. "Thanks Pen," I sit beside him and watch our peers slip into their seats. "We did make progress when you were gone," I raise an eyebrow at him and he blushes a bit. "Baz, uh. He made a potion that worked," he digs around in his bag, showing me a flask. They did it! Without me? Dang. Well, they still did it.

"Simon! You did it!" He immediately starts shushing me and a couple people turn to look, so I put my hand over my mouth. "We need to watch the recording after class. I can't believe you guys did something! No offence, but that's kind of hard to believe," I'm smiling big and I know he knows I'm joking, but his cheeks pinken a bit more. Simon, blushing. Kind of a normal thing. But Simon, blushing while talking about Baz. That's new. Weird new. Interesting new. But new.

"I can't after class. I'm going to see Ebb. You'll have to watch it with Baz," he turns away from me and coughs a bit.

"What's wrong. I can practically smell you're embarrassed. Or, hiding something? What is it?" He turns to me but doesn't make eye contact. His voice is low.

"Nothing Penny. I swear, nothing happened at all. Nothing," his eyes are big and his hand gestures are what give his lie away.

"Yes, nothing happened," he shakes his head. "Simon! Oh my God! I can smell it all over you! Stop lying! Tell me, come on," he shushes me again by putting a hand over my mouth. I lick it. It's hot and sweaty. Probably shouldn't have done that. He jerks his hand away and wipes it on his chest.

"Ew!" I laugh. "Fine. I'll tell you," he blushes again and I slap his arm. Something obviously happened. "I hugged Baz, okay?" I feel my eyes widen. That was it? Really? I burst into laughter. Oh, Simon. "What!? You're scaring me."

"Oh, Simon!" I hold my stomach. "That's it? I thought you were going to say something like, oh, I don't know, that you kissed him or something," if I thought he was blushing before, I was so wrong. His whole neck up is crimson. It makes me laugh harder. "You need to see your face! So red!"

"Penny! No! I don't like Baz! No- I don't- Ew!" He's so flustered. Classic Simon Snow.

I raise an eyebrow and try to control my laughter. "Riiiight. I bet he liked it when you hugged him," I waggle my eyebrows at him and he turns tomato red again. I laugh some more. "Seriously though Simon, your face is super red!"

He turns away and covers his face in his hands. "Yeah, yeah. Get it out," I slap him and I see a hint of a smile play on his face. Too big of a smile. Too big of a mouth. Too much blood. Too much blushing. He's so much. It's what makes him fun.

"I see that smile," I say, poking him in a playful way. I'm sure if Agatha saw us she would have a fit. But she's not in our class, and she and Simon aren't together anymore.

He swats my hand away. "Listen," he points to the professor. He just walked in.

"Oh, don't fret. Class doesn't start for another 3 minutes. I'll go see Baz after. I have some questions about the potion. We'll have to have a meeting about this as well," I wonder how Baz managed to make the potion that actually controlled Simon's transformations. There was none in the books in the library. Maybe I should have checked mine at home? He's a Grimm-Pitch, so I'm not really surprised he found a formula. He could have just used the mechanics of a basic transformation spell, then experimented a bit. Spun his wes and all that.

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