Not So Confused Anymore

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Summary: "He needs sleep, and when he wakes up, we'll talk."
(short summary. Trying not to give too much away ;p)
!Notes!: The chapter many of you have been anticipating!! I ask you, take a moment, go through the last chapter. Refresh your memory of what happens. When you have, put your phone down, shut you laptop closed, take a breath, go walk around your house and then come back to this.

Welcome back!

This chapter is pretty short. Now, lots happens, so be ready. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing this.
When you are done this chapter, comment down below (or on the side of the 'Notes' paragraph at the bottom), and please tell me what you think will happen next. I'm currious.

:) IfSnowBazWereReal Xx



I swallow. Baz just said he needs to tell me something. It could be anything, for all I know. He could say that this whole thing is over and that we should go back to being enemies, but I just caught him smiling then made him blush so I don't think he will say that. He could say that he wants to continue being friends. He could say that he's sorry for being a jerk. He could say that he actually likes Agatha. He could say that he's leaving the Wold of Mages, the most powerful mage, gone. He could say anything, so what should I prepare myself for?

"Simon," he clears his throat. It's painfully obvious that he's nervous. I wish he wasn't. Hearing my name makes me feel a bit better. "I liked helping you. And-" He doesn't meet my eyes but I can tell his whole profile changes. Like he's changed what he's going to say. "Just ask when you need more of your potion. I can teach you how to make it so you can do it yourself instead of me," he glances up at me then quickly back down. "Which is probably better for you anyways," he mumbles. "Just wanted you to know." Then he gets up and leaves.

What just happened? Baz just... he just covered something up with telling me he would make more of my potion when I need more! What the heck! He was just about to tell me something! Seriously! Then he just left! Walked away like nothing happened! I feel my face get hot and my magic spurts a bit. I get itchy so I focus on my breathing. In. You won't explode. Out. You don't have enough magic in you anymore. In. You have the perfect amount of magic. Out. Don't worry. Feel your magic coursing through your veins. Feel it calming like the ocean does after a storm. Feel it in you. Feel you.

I stand up after a bit and grab Baz's book he left and my bags. I spell the blanket and tea stuff away and stop back to the fortress. I think I need to talk to Penny, so I pull my phone out a message her quickly so I won't get caught. She tells me to meet her at the Cloisters.

When I get there, she pulls me into the building and races up to her room. I shouldn't be in the girls dormitory and I tell her so. She waves her hand and spells me invisible, pushing her bedroom door open. I don't step in right away. Where is Trixi? She would sure as hell turn me in. Penny notices and pulls me into her room, spelling me so the wards don't kick me out. She's so smart.

"Tell me everything that happened. He just... Left?" She looks confused, I would be too. Heck, I am still confused.

"Yeah, he said that he liked, LIKED, helping me and then he changed. Like, he was gonna say something but changed his mind so he said that when I need a refill on my potion, he'd do it. Penny you should have seen the look he was giving me. He wasn't looking at me! And then he just left! Walked away like nothing happened! Who does that!" I'm pacing her room and she's sitting on her bed watching me. My arms are thrown up in the air in exasperation and I keep trying to figure out what was wrong with Baz. He was going to say something, but what? It looked like it was going to be something important, something personal. I tell Penelope that.

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