Never Stop Loving

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Simon isn't in our room when I'm there, but I know he's been there. Small things give it away, the type of things only a stupidly in love person would notice. A pencil on his desk is gone. His wardrobe door is open a crack. The tiny droplets of water in the sink (I always make sure it's completely dry before I leave). The window was open yesterday when I came back from football practice. The potion bottle that I left for him was gone this morning.

I know he's been here, I just haven't caught him yet. I'm starting to believe I never will. I come back to the room right after lessons and I stay until dinner time or until football practice. Sometimes I need to leave the room, usually I am at the library or in the potions chambers. I keep an eye out for him during the day. He still shows up to classes, but I'm not able to talk to him. We aren't paired, we aren't placed close to each other, we aren't in groups together. I think he may have talked to the professors about it since we have zero communication in lessons.

At dinner, he's not seated with Bunce at their table. I keep looking around the dining room to see if he'll show up, but he never does. I have a game tonight, maybe he'll show up. He always did. Every single practice, every single game. Even if Bunce didn't go with him, he always came. Sometimes with Ebb. Sometimes just by himself. Maybe he'll be there, and if he is, I'll talk to him.

Simon does show up to our game. He's sitting beside Ebb on the stands. She waves when she sees me looking, I wave back to her. Simon isn't watching me when I glance his way, but I do end up catching his eye. He holds it for a moment before getting up and leaving to the wood. I'm distracted so it gives the other team's forward a chance to pass me. I catch up to him and block his shot, even though I'm not defence.

After the game, coach Mac waves us in for a brief congrats on winning then we're dismissed to the showers. I skip the showers and head for the Wavering Wood.

I call Snow by his full name, which I never do. I use finding spells and the wood nymphs come out to tell me he's nowhere I can find him.

"So he's hiding," I say.

"Perhaps. Maybe you're just not looking in the right place," her sisters stand behind her with their heads poking out. They know who I am.

"Are you accusing me of lack of perception? I'm no fool."

"What do you seek, young Pitch," if there's one thing I learn about wood nymphs is that they are always asking what you are seeking. Not what you have sought.

I leave the Wood. I'm gross from football and in dire need of a shower. It's almost dusk, the drawbridge will be down soon. Snow wasn't in the Wood, so he's probably either a) with Ebb, b) in the catacombs, which I'm just thinking of this now, c) with Bunce, d) in the Hills Beyond the school (yes that is the proper name), e) somewhere in the castle, f) in our room, which is less likely, g) the ramparts or h) wandering the school grounds. He could be anywhere for all I know, which is why I'm going back to my room.

I climb the four and a half flights of stairs to our room, pausing at our door to catch my breath. I don't really need to, I just want to.

I push the door open, walking straight to my desk. I drop my football bag on the floor and begin to peel off my cleats. I spell them clean then pull off my jersey so I'm left in my shorts, my chest and feet bare. I don't look around the room, because I already know what's there. Nothing. Not Simon, not his uniform scattered around, not his school bag. Just our vacant room.

My jersey still reeks so I spell that clean too and get up to head for the bathroom. When I look up to grab at the handle, Simon Snow is standing right in the way. He doesn't move when we make eye contact and neither do I. We're standing there like fools, just staring at each other. Why is he here? Why now? Why not two weeks ago? My brain has crashed and all I can think is Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon.

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