It Worked!

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Summary: Baz and Simon find some textbooks about werewolves. Baz makes a potion that will help Simon controll his transfomations. Baz doesn't think he can keep his feelings from Simon any longer. 

Notes: I am so sorry that I havent posted in forever omgash. Happy PRIDE loves! Enjoy this one! Thanks to @julestych1 for helping with this chapter!


Penny left to see her family in Hounslow over an hour ago. She told me she wouldn't be back until Sunday afternoon so that means I'm stuck with Baz for the weekend.

"Don't hurt him please, Simon," She said to me before she left.

"I won't. I promise," I said. She looked doubtful when I replied. That was over an hour ago, before dinner. Dinner. Merlin, I'm hungry.

I speed walk down the paths to the Weeping Tower, my stomach growling with each step. I think about spelling myself there, but chances are, I'll end up messing up the spell and putting myself in a coma.

I push the doors to the dining room open, greeted by the smell of roasted chicken, sweet potatoes and sausages. My stomach rumbles so I head to the buffet line. I grab five scones and a butter dish and head to my table.

I shovel in my diner, eager to get seconds. I glance up at Baz's table. He's not there. I scan my eyes across the room, looking for any sign of ebony black hair. I give up on trying to look for him; I know he's not here. Where is he then?

My food forgotten, I get up and leave the dining room. Where is he? He could be plotting for all I know. He could be looking for spells for my transformations, a voice in the back of my head whispers. He did say he would help. But he could have been lying. I decide he's making more potions so I head to professor Benedict's class. He's not there.

I check our room. Empty. The pitch. Empty. The ramparts. Solemn. What about the library? I trot down to the Library building, hoping Baz is there. I swing the door open, and there he is. Sitting in between the stacks, books piled around him.

He looks up as the door slams shut behind me. I get a nasty glare from Mrs. Poon, the school's librarian. I mouth a sorry to her and make my way to Baz. I nearly trip over a chair, which earns me another glare. Baz rolls his eyes at my clumsiness.

"Baz," he raises an eyebrow.

"Snow," he greets, lowering his back down to the book in his lap. I stand there for an awkward second, rocking back on my feet. I look down to see what he's reading, angling my head to read the page. I see the word werewolves. He's doing research on werewolves. For me. My cheeks warm and my belly does a little flip. "Not stuffing yourself tonight?" Baz says dryly, pulling me from my funk.

"Oh, er- uh. I was, uh-" I swallow. I can't tell him I was looking for him. His brow hitches higher than I thought possible. "I- I forgot my book!" I blurt. I hear someone hiss a shhh at me so I shut my mouth. I pull at my hair, trying to cover my rosy cheeks. He squints but drops his head back down to the book.

I drop down beside him, my shoulder lightly brushing his. I feel him tense. I grab the book out of his hands. He snatches it back from me.

"What?!" I say. I try to reach for it, but he pulls away from me. If we keep at it, I'll end up on top of him, and that will be embarrassing for both of us, I think.

He grabs a book from one of the piles and shoves it into my arms. "Here! Make yourself useful, you menace. I'm reading this one," I roll my eyes and back away from him. I open the book to the first page. I see Baz scribble something on a piece of paper.

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