Potion Experiments and Telling Secrets

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Summary: Simon decides to tell Ebb and Penelope that he's a werewolf. Baz says he'll help Simon, but why? Baz does some research on potions and he and Penelope do some experimenting. 

Notes: This is so long. I am sorry, I tried to make it good. I'm on a tight schedule people. I have a story plan I need to follow! lol, enjoy loves. 



     I need to tell someone. I can't just not do anything about it! I could hurt someone! I almost hurt Baz yesterday, and I don't know what I would do if I did hurt him. So I need to tell someone. Penny, Ebb, Miss Possibelf, the Mage! No, not the Mage. That bastard needs to die. I don't care about being related, that hardly even matters-

     I need to tell Penelope. Or Ebb. I'll tell Ebb first. She'll understand. But I need to tell Baz that I'm going to tell her. Would he come with me if I asked?

     Baz is lying in his bed, doing his best to ignore me. I'm always up with the sun. Everyday, even on weekends. Usually I'm out of the room before he's even out of bed.

     I'm sitting on the edge of my bed, facing Baz, my white tee unbuttoned and my tie hanging loosely around my neck. I rub my hands up and down my legs, trying to dry them off. I'm sweating. The window is closed. I always close it before I go down to breakfast.

     "Baz?" I say into my lap. He doesn't even move. "Baz," I say, a bit louder this time. He stirs and shuffles around, not turning my way though.

     "Crowley, why are you waking me up at this godforbid hour?" His vice is raspy and I watch as his hands go up to his face to rub his eyes.

     "I'm telling Ebb," I say. Baz turns around completely in his bed to look at me. I drop my head again and fiddle with my shirt. He sits up.

     "What?" I peak at him without lifting my head. He's running his fingers through his hair. It looks smooth, but it's a bit messy from sleeping.

     "I'm-" I clear my throat and swallow. "I'm telling Ebb about it. Then Penny." I don't dare to raise my head. I don't know why I'm so embarrassed by this either. Baz already knows.

     "Fine," I look up at him confused. Fine? That's it?

     "Oh- okay." I get off my bed. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't that. I'm nervous to tell Penelope and Ebb. What will happen if I tell the Mage? Will he kick me out?

   "Snow?" Baz walks over to me, still in his pajamas. "Alright?" He raises a brow and looks down at my hand, it's hovering by the door handle. I notice that I'm just standing there, looking at him. My cheeks flush and I step away. My hand goes to my hair and my head falls. I can't look at him.

     I try to get past him, so he steps to the side to let me by. I open the door to our room, my head still down. The door smacks into my forhead and I yelp, holding my head in my hand. I hear Baz snicker behind me. I step out of the room, hoping to get away from my ebarassment, and shut the door behind me. I'm not even down the first step when the door opens and Baz is calling my name.

     "Forget something, Snow?" I can practially hear him smirking. My bags! And the rest of my uniform! Groaning, I spin on my heal, and rush past him into the room. My bag is on my chair and my books are spread out all over my desk. I shove random books into it, hopig to get out of hear. No more embarrasment today. I quickly button up my shirt. I am positive they aren't even in the right slots but I'll fix it later.

     I scurry around my room, looking for my blazer. Baz is leaning against his desk, legs and arms crossed, watching me with a brow raised. He's just standing there! I plow my hand through my hair and pull things out of my wardrobe, trying to find a blazer. Where is it?

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