Crying in the Catacombs

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Summary: Simon goes down to the catacombs to see his mother's tomb stone. Baz decides to join him. 

Notes: So this is a short chapter.... I am SOOOO Sorry for not updating in a while! 


This week has been a disaster. I'm a disaster. I can't ever function properly the first few weeks of school, but Penny and Agatha usually help me. Not this time. I know Penny has noticed. And I know she's trying so hard to fix me. There is no fixing me. I can't be fixed. I suffer from trauma every year. It's no different. Except this year it is. I want to forget about becoming a werewolf. Any day now. The only thing running against me is time. Time. Werewolf. Magician.

I run up the steps of the Mummers house, hoping to get away from everyone. I swing the door open, not expecting Baz to be there. He is, of course. Tying his tie in front of his wardrobe, not even using a mirror. I still need to use a mirror, after six years one would think I could do it without one. Baz turns his head the slightest to look at me. I rush past him and drop my bags on my bed. I grab my cloak from my wardrobe, swinging it around my shoulders.

"Going somewhere?" Baz asks. There's no venom in his voice. Odd.

"Catacombs." I go down every year, same with Baz. I go to my mother's tomb. To see her. Though I never see her. It's just a stone in the wall with her name etched into it. I always bring down flowers for her.

Baz nods his head. "I'll go with you." I don't say anything. I'm not in the mood to fight with Baz. But curiosity gets the best of me, and I open the door for Baz.

I've never walked anywhere with Baz before. I mean, we are usually headed in the same direction, but we never walk together. We've never fallen into step, walking side by side, heading down into the catacombs. Never.

I lead the way to my mum's tomb. Natasha Pitch's tomb is right beside hers. I fall to my knees when we reach the doorway. There it is. My mother's brick. Tears slide down my cheeks and Baz walks over to his mother's headstone. His finger's trace the words and I hear him whispering. I'm not paying much attention to him though, so I don't catch on. I set the flowers I collected down, underneath my mum's brick, and a new fall of tears wet my face.

"I'm sorry mum." I whisper, hiccuping over my words. I'm sorry for being a child. I'm sorry for your death. I'm sorry for you having me.

"It wasn't your fault, Snow." Baz is leaning against the wall, his head hanging low. I think I see a tear steak down his cheek. I pull my knees up and set my head in my arms. My cries are the only sound for a long time. Baz is twirling his wand between his fingers. He keeps dropping it, so I know he's not putting the effort in. He's unusually quiet, but it's probably because he's thinking of his mum. I feel bad for him. He lost his mother too.

His head falls back, into the stone and he slouches against the wall. I look up at my mother's brick. Lucy Winifred Sailsbury. Lady of Magick. Watford's hero. Born: July 19 1978 Death: August 12 2002. She was only 24 when she died. She was only 19 when she had me. She was a single mother. She was the most powerful Lady of Magick. And what am I? Nothing. I'm nothing to my mother, to Ebb, to Baz, to the Mage, to the whole World of Magick! I'm nothing. My rosebud boy! Simon, you're my rosebud boy, I hear my mother saying. She's wrong. Rosebud nothing. 

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