Chapter 11 "Maybe I'm Amazed" Paul McCartney

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Chapter 11

“Maybe I’m Amazed” Paul McCartney

Thomas leaves to go home and get dresses to go over to his parents’ house. I’m extremely nervous. I pick out my outfit. A long, black skirt that goes a little past my knees and a purple sweater. Then I take a shower. I think of Thomas and how he told me he loved me last night. How I told him I love him too. Maybe I should tell my Mom before I bring him home. Maybe I’ll call her before I leave. I haven’t talked to her since I told her I was thinking of moving. After my shower I call my Mom.

“Hey Mom,” I say after she picks up.

“Hey! Maddy! I miss you so much and I’m so sorry for freaking out the other day,” she keeps rambling about how she’s sorry and what my family has been up to. That’s when I cut her off.

“Mom, I gotta tell you something,” I say.

“Anything,” she replies.

“Mom, I do have a reason for wanting to move out and that reason is, umm… I’m in love,” I tell her. She’s silent. “Mom, are you okay?”

“My baby’s in love!” Mom practically yells. I move the phone away from my ear and she screams to the whole family to come in the living room. I laugh. I hear footsteps and my brothers asking my Mom questions.

“Shhh,” Mom says to the boys as she talks into the phone “I’m putting you on speaker phone, okay,”

“Okay Mom,” I reply, rolling my eyes.

“Okay, Maddy, you are on speaker. Now tell us everything,” my Mom says.

“Well, his name is Thomas…” I begin, but am cut off by my Mom and Dad.

“Wait who’s Thomas?” my Dad asks at the same time as my Mom asks

“Wait the Thomas you told me about in your emails?”

“Yes, Mom, that Thomas,” I tell her.

“Who is Thomas!” my Dad asks again even louder than before.

“Maddy, is he your boyfriend?” Sara asks

“Yay, he is. And guess what, Sara, you know him,” I tell her knowing she is as big of a “Maze Runner” fan as me.

“I do?” she says really confused.

“Yup you all do,” I say knowing they have all seen the movie.

“I don’t know anyone named Thomas,” Luke says

“Me neither,” Landon tells me “Let alone a Thomas in London,” then he puts it together. “No way! Maddy, you aren’t talking about,”

“Yup I am,” I say, knowing that he knows.

“What? Who?” my Dad asks

“Oh my gosh! Maddy, you’re dating Thomas Brodie Sangster!” Sara yells. She figured it out too.

“Who is that?” my Dad asks.

“Sara, show his a picture,” I tell my sister knowing she has billions of them on her phone.

“Wait so if you get married. Thomas Brodie Sangster would be my brother-in-law!” Sara asks.

“Yay, I guess,” I tell her. I didn’t even think of that. My sister is probably freaking out right now. She’s also probably jealous too.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Who said anything about marriage. You just met this kid, you aren’t getting married yet!” my Dad says. I laugh and say

“No, Dad, not yet,” I put emphasis on the word yet, just to bug him. Then after a load of questions about Thomas. I say goodbye and tell them I’ll see them soon. I didn’t tell them Thomas was coming home with me though. I want that to be a surprise. I finish getting ready for my dinner with Thomas’ family. And then I hear a knock at the door. I open it and I see Thomas leaning against the wall, trying to act all cool. I laugh at him and he says

“You read, Love?” I nod nervously and follow him out of my hotel. I pray that everything will go somewhat okay.

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