Chapter 4 "Somebody To You" The Vamps

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Chapter 4

“Somebody To You” The Vamps

Thomas’ Pov

Maddy left about 20 minutes ago. I can’t stop thinking about her. The way she blushes when she’s embarrassed and laughs uncontrollably over the dumbest stuff. I can’t help, but smile at the thought of her. I check my phone to see if she sent me a text. She didn’t, so I decide I’ll text her. I text her stuff about how I miss her and want to talk to her again. She doesn’t text back. That makes me nervous, so I buy another cup of coffee and text her again. She’s probably asleep. I tell myself. I finish my fresh cup of coffee and catch a cab outside the cafe. I have the cab driver drop me off at the park about a mile from my penthouse. I need to time to think. A long walk will do the trick, I think.

I walk through the park. I walk through a garden maze, thinking about Maddy. Her eyes, her smile, her personality. After a while I realize I’m grinning ear to ear. I find my way out of the maze. Which now I realize is very ironic, since I was just filming “The Maze Runner”. I chuckle to myself after noticing that. I start walking down the sidewalk to my penthouse. I finally can see it at the top of a small hill.

By the time I make it back home it’s past midnight. I unlock my door and step into my huge, lonely living room. I hear the echoing of my footsteps as my shoes hit the hardwood floors. I think of Maddy right away. I want Maddy to be here with me. I want to hang out with her all the time. I want to hear her voice and see her smile. I make my way upstairs and into my bedroom. I change into sweats and a white v-neck. I crawl into my bed and pull out my laptop. I was supposed to finish this song by tomorrow. I grab my bass and begin to play the chords. I figured out the notes and the chords. I just can’t think of the words. I have such bad writers block. This is why I don’t write the songs for our band. I lean my head back on the night stand. I try to think of what my Mom told me about songwriting.

“Mom, I can’t right songs,” I had told her a couple days before.

“Thomas, you’ll be fine. Just find something inspires you and write like the wind. I know you can do it, Thomas,” she had told me, with a big, encouraging mother smile. I wish I could have backed out of this.

I can’t think of anything. The only thing I can think of is Maddy. I face-palm myself, realizing what I should write about. I start writing the words to my new song. Halfway through the song, at about 4am, I decide to text Maddy. I tell her that she’s the inspiration to my song.

I finish the song around 7am. I shut down my laptop and put my bass in it’s case. I crawl under the covers of my bed and pick up my phone one last time. I check for any messages from Maddy. None. I text her again. I say good morning and that she’s beautiful. Then I plug in my almost dead phone and fall asleep immediately. I fall asleep to the thought of Maddy.  

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