Chapter 21 "All of Me" John Legend

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Chapter 21

“All of Me” John Legend

I wake up next to Thomas. I realize that today is the day. I shake Thomas awake. His eyes pop open and he looks at me confused for a second. Then he too realizes what day it is. I jump up, out of bed. I remember something, someone told me. That it’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride on their wedding day. Thomas looks alarmed and reaches out to grab my arm. I back up and run out of the room.

“You can’t see me!” I yell at him “close your eyes!” I yell as I run down the stairs. I know he didn’t close his eyes and I know he already saw me, but I’m going to pretend he didn't. I have Sara go get the dresses from my room as I get my dress from my parents’ room. Mom grabs all the other stuff we need like make up, hair stuff, and other wedding necessities. Then we head over to Cassie’s, where we planned to get ready, while the guys got ready at our house. Thomas’ family got here about a week ago. And Dylan got here yesterday. So everyone’s here. I’m so relieved.

Cassie does everyone’s hair, starting with mine and ending with her own. Then Mom, Cassie, and Sara help me get my dress on. I love it! I feel like a real bride. I love this feeling! Thomas’ Mom walks into the room with Ava and a couple of Thomas’ aunts and cousins, who came to get ready.

The next couple hours are crazy wedding set up mode. I am so overwhelmed, but in a good way.

Before I know it, the doors to the church open and I’m walking down the aisle. I see Thomas standing at the alter. I gasp quietly as Dad leads me to him. I walk slowly towards my true love. I feel my Dad let go of me and kiss my cheek. I hug him before he sits back down and whisper in his ear.

“Thank you Daddy,” I say. He nods and I see a tear in his eye. Then he mouths the words ‘I love you’. I mouth them back, before turning back to Thomas. I see tears in his eyes also. That’ s what breaks me, tears began streaming down my face. Thomas reaches over to my face and wipes away each tear with his thumb. I smile and so does he. The priest begins, I barely hear a word over the sound of my heart beat. I focus on Thomas and my love for him. Thomas grabs both my hands. His hands are sweaty and warm, but I don’t mind. He lifts one of my hands and kisses it softly as the priest continues his speech.

After vows and the rings, Thomas leans in for the kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck, like no one is watching. It’s the best kiss I’ve ever had, it means so much to me. The passion, the love, the nerves, all wrapped up in one kiss. Thomas and I turn towards the church full of people with smiles plastered on our faces. We walk in unison back down the aisle. He holds my hand the whole way there. Then we get in Luke’s old truck, I wanted to use his truck so it would be like he’s with us where ever we go. There are cans and a ‘Just Married’ banner on the back of the truck. Thomas helps me into the cab and then hustles over to his side and hops in. Thomas starts up the truck and I hear the loud clanking noise of the cans behind us. Thomas drives to my Grandpa’s old barn. I sit in the middle seat on the truck and hold his hand the whole time. I kiss his cheek as he drives.

“I love you,” I whisper in his ear, close enough that he can feel my breath.

“I love you too, Love,” he whispers back. I  smile wider, if that’s even possible. I love him so much. It’s crazy how much I love him.

We drive into the dirt road driveway. The sun is about to set and I can see the moon rising in the sky. I hop out of the truck and so does Thomas. I see a mad rush of cars coming into the driveway behind us. Thomas and I make our way inside. I immediately turn on the white Christmas lights that cover the walls of the barn. Thomas goes around the room and lights every candle. Then I hear the crowd of about 150 people approach. The barn doors swing open and people stampede in hugging Thomas and I and congratulating us. We thank them all, before they find a seat.

An hour or passes. We’ve eaten dinner and done the toasts. So now the music starts. It’s time for our first dance. I’m nervous, because I’m not a very good dancer. I gulp walking onto the dance floor, everyone’s watching, I grab Thomas’ hand and squeeze. He looks at my and smiles, knowing I’m not a good dancer. I cross my fingers as the music starts.

Author's Note:

If you like this please tell me. Or give me stuff to work on. I want to know what you guys think! Thanks a bunch!

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