Chapter 25 "Livin' on Love" Alan Jackson

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Chapter 25

“Livin’ on Love” Alan Jackson

It’s been 5 years since Thomas and I were married. Our son was born. His name is Luke, after my brother. After Luke we had 2 more. A girl then a boy. Evelyn and Peter. He live in Wisconsin still. After Luke our family moved to an actual house though.

I wake up at 5:21am to baby Peter crying in the nursery. I rush to his room and pick him up. I cradle him in my arms. Thomas walks in and puts his arms around me as I sway back and forth, trying to get Peter to fall back asleep. Thomas lays his head on my shoulder as we keep rocking him side to side gently. Finally Peter’s eyes close and I put him back in his crib. Thomas’ arms are still wrapped around me. I place my hands over his, on my waist. Then Thomas takes my hand with his and twirls me around, so I’m facing him. He pulls me close to him, like he always does and kisses me long and passionately.

“I love you,” he whispers in  my ear on our way back to our bedroom. We hold hand the entire time.

“I love you too,” I whisper back. We check on Luke, in his room and Evelyn, in her room before going back into our’s.

We both lay down onto our bed for the 7th time tonight. It’s hard work, but it’s worth it when you get such a wonderful family. Thomas and I fall asleep immediately.

Thomas and I are woken up by our alarm clock at 6:45. Thomas gets ready for work and I get breakfast and lunches, for the kids ready.

Thomas is still an actor, but he’s taking a break for a while. He’s working on producing some stuff and some music stuff, but most of the time he’s a substitute teacher. He loves being a teacher almost as much as acting, but for now acting is out of the picture.

Thomas comes down stairs in a suit with a bow tie. I fix it for my. He kisses me on the cheek as he walks out the door. This is our normal routine.

“I love you, Maddy,” he says walking backwards out the door.

“Love you too,” I reply waving at him as he walks away. I watch him drive away on his motorcycle.

Then I hear Peter crying again. I hurry up the stairs and pick him up. I carry him down stairs, bouncing him in my arms saying “shhh”.

At 8:30 I get everyone in the car to drive to school. I drop off Luke at kindergarten and Evelyn at preschool. I bring Peter back home and wait for Thomas to come home after work. It’s not a glamourous life, but it’s mine and I wouldn’t change it for anything. I love it and I love my family. I wouldn’t change a second of any of it.

12:59 I hear the door open and steps coming into the house. I sit in Peter’s room, upstairs, listening intently. Luckily, Peter is sleeping. The sound of footsteps are quiet, but yet so loud. They are getting closer and closer. I realize there are more than one pair of shoes walking around downstairs. I hear deep, male voices.

“Grab everything!” one voice says.

“I know, idiot!” the other says. I gasp quietly. I realize what’s happening. We’re being robbed! Do they know I’m here? Questions and thoughts soar through my brain. What do I do? I think. I decide to hide. I grab the, thankfully, still sleeping Peter and shut the door to his room. I lock it, then go into Peter’s closet. I move all the stuff out of the closet so I can fit in there. I get in and lay Peter on a blanket in the corner as I turn on the light and close the door. I glance at Peter. He’s still asleep. What do I do? I think to myself. I decide to call Thomas. He’s know what to do. I hope. I dial Thomas’ number with my shaky hand and put it to my ear.

“Maddy? Why are you calling? I’m in the middle of class. is everything okay?” he asks.

“No, there are 2 guys downstairs and I don’t know who they are. i’m hiding with Peter in his closet. Thomas please help, I don’t know what to do,” I whisper.

“I’ll be right there!” he yells “stay put,” I don’t argue, I wasn't going to move anyway.

After about 15 minutes I hear sirens and police men yelling. I hear the sound of cops yelling stuff to the 2 burglars. Then I hear a pair of footsteps striding up the satir. I hear a hammering at the door,

“Maddy! Let me in! It’s Thomas!” he yells. I pick up Peter and open the closet door. Then I unlock Peter’s bedroom door. I see Thomas on the other side and I wrapped my arm, that wasn’t holding Peter around his neck. He wraps both his arms around my waist.

“Love, are you okay? Are you hurt?” Thomas asks.

“No, just scared,” I stutter. I’m still shaking horribly.

“I’m so sorry,” he tells me.

“Why? It’s not your fault,” I tell him.

“I should be protecting this family. i’m not doing my job,” he says with a pout.

“You are doing a fantastic job, baby,” I tell him, then kiss him.

“I love you,” he says.

“I love you too,” I reply.

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