Chapter 13 "Coming Home" Jay Althouse

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Chapter 13

“Coming Home” Jay Althouse

We arrive in front of my parents’ house. Thomas snatches my hand. I giggle at his nervous gesture.

We get out of the cab and walk up to the front door. Before I can knock Sara opens the door a smile wider than mine appears on her face as she sees me and Thomas. She runs at us, but instead of hugging me she hugs Thomas. I laugh as she almost knocks Thomas down. Luckily he caught his balance. Then I see Mom and Dad scurrying over to me and Thomas. Sara finally lets go of him when we start shuffling inside. My Dad spots Thomas and eyes him up. Thomas, bravely, puts out his hand and says

“Nice to meet you, sir. You have an amazing daughter. And I promise to treat with all the respect in the world,” Thomas says. I’m surprised at how calm he sounds. I smile and to my surprise so does my Dad. Then he takes Thomas’ hand and says

“You’re not too bad, boy. You just better not be lying,” my Dad jokes, then his face goes dead serious “I’m not joking, son,”

Thomas just nods his head, agreeing with my Dad.

“I promise, sir,” Thomas tells him. Then it’s dead silent for a while. Just my Dad starring Thomas down. Then my Mom, thankfully, interrupts from the kitchen.

“Food’s ready!” Mom yells. I pull Thomas into the dining room, leaving our suitcases in the hall. I sit down in my normal spot and Thomas sits next to me, in Landon’s spot. Landon sits in the extra chair at the end of the table. He doesn’t seem to mind. Sara sits across from Thomas, in her normal spot. And everyone else sits around us. Sara stares at Thomas for a while.

“Sara, it’s rude to stare,” I say after Thomas notices her staring. I laugh as she blushes realizing what she was doing. Thomas reaches out across the table and grabs Sara’s hand and says

“It’s okay Sara. Just think of my as your big brother, now,” Thomas tells her. She blushes even more, but laughs along with Thomas and I.

After many more of Sara’s stares, Mom’s home cooked spaghetti and meatballs, and long conversations, trying to catch me up on what I missed in the past month. We head over to the living room to talk some more. This time the topic is: Thomas.

“So, you are an actor?” my Dad asks, knowing he is.

“Yes, and a producer and musician,” Thomas adds.

“Really?” my Mom says, very interested.

“Yeah, when I was 16 me and my Mum started our own production company for British talents. Then about 4 years later, I joined my Mum’s band, Winnet,” Thomas explains. I had forgotten about all the amazing things he has done. I smile at his accomplishments. Thomas sees me and smiles back. After a lot more questions about Thomas I say

“Well, it’s getting late. Maybe we should go to our hotel,” My Mom looks at my weird, so I ask “What, Mom?”

“Why would you pay for a hotel, when you could stay here, for free,” My Mom exclaims. I hoped they wouldn’t make us stay here, because I know my Dad won’t let us share a room let alone a bed. I sigh and look at Thomas. I know he wanted to go to the hotel too. But I can tell he just wants to make my parents happy, so I say

“Fine, we’ll stay,” I hear Sara whisper a ‘yes’ to herself. I smile at her excitement. Thomas and I start to head upstairs with our luggage. I hope my Dad doesn’t stop us.

Too late.

“Where do you think you are going?” he says to Thomas putting his hand out to stop Thomas from going upstairs. “You two are…” I wait for the explosion. “Sleeping in our room. I never thought I’d say this to anyone other than Ryan, but I like you. That doesn’t mean I ain’t still gonna be over protective of my daughter, but it does mean that I won’t kill ya, most likely,” My Dad laughs. I’m completely shocked. One, he’s letting us sleep in the same bed, not to mention it being his own bed. Two, he mentioned Ryan, my ex-fiancé, who’s Luke’s best friend and my Dad loved. I scurry down the couple of stairs I walked up and show Thomas to my parents’ room before my Dad changes his mind. Once I close the door behind us in my parents’ room Thomas asks

“Who’s Ryan?” I gulp, hoping he wouldn’t ask or he didn’t hear Dad mention Ryan.

“He’s my ex, as in fiancé,” I tell Thomas. He looks upset, sad, and confused all at once.

“You were engaged?” he asks. I nod.

“We were dating for a long time, then he asked, I said yes, but then I realized it was all too fast. I was too young. So I broke it off, then after that we just drifted apart,” I explain to Thomas. He just stares at me.

“Oh,” is all he says, pretty much for the rest of the night.  

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