Chapter 5 "Laugh Again" by Winnet

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Chapter 5

“Laugh Again” by Winnet

I wake up with my alarm blaring in my ear. I instantly think of Thomas. Thomas. The kiss. The hours we spent talking after the kiss. The best day of my life. The reason I don’t want to leave London in 3 weeks. I already miss him. I sit up in my bed and look around. I still haven’t gotten used to waking up in this hotel every morning. I grab my phone off the bedside table and turn it on. I see Thomas has sent me 4 texts since last night. I decide to read through them.

Hey, it’s Thomas. I know it’s only been about 20 minutes since you left the cafe, but I’m still here and I miss talking to you. I want to see you again soon.


Hey, it’s me again. I wanted to say good night even though you are probably already sleeping.


I finally thought of inspiration for my song. It’s you! I’m almost done with it and once it’s done I’ll play it for you.


Good Morning Beautiful. I’m just now going to sleep. I’ll text you when I wake up. Have a great day, Love.

I’m smiling so much, it actually hurts. Thomas Brodie Sangster actually wrote a song about me! And he’s going to play it for me! I take a little fangirl moment and shriek so loudly that the person next to me bangs on the wall and yells at me to shut up. So, when I feel another moment coming I dive onto my bed and scream into my pillow. I pick my phone up off the bedside table and text Thomas.

Hey, sorry I didn’t reply last night, I fell asleep right away. But I just wanted to say THANKS so much for writing the song about me!!! I’m so excited. See you soon.

I waited impatiently for him to reply. I didn’t think he would right away since he said he just went to bed before the last text. I started to get fidgety, so I turned on my laptop and started writing another article for my assignment. I was startled when I heard a buzz from my phone. I leaned over to reach my phone and grabbed it off the table. I click the button on my phone to turn it on and see that I have one new message from Thomas. Yay I mentally jump for joy. I view the message and the heart literally soars.

Morning! Finally you respond. I’m so excited for you to hear my song. Meet me at the cafe in 2 hours.

I rush out of bed and check the time. 10:28. I have 2 hours, so I have time. I hop in the shower. When I’m done I wrap a towel my torso and pick out my outfit. I put on a purple tank and black cardigan with light blue jeans. Then I slip on my black vans. I look at the clock on the wall, it says 11:59. I have another half an hour. I decide to put my hair in a ponytail and curl the ends. Then I put on a little mascara and eye liner. I stare at myself in the mirror for about 4 minutes just asking myself if this is real. I check the time on my phone and it reads 12:20. So, I decide to leave even though it takes about 2 minutes to get there.

I grab my purse and go down the stairs to the cafe. I open the door and the bell rings. I see Thomas sitting there with his bass and 2 mugs sitting on the table. I walk over to him, but he doesn’t notice me, yet. He’s too busy tuning his bass. I tip toe behind him and then when I’m close enough I put my hands over his eyes and ask

“Guess who?” Thomas laughs and sets his bass on the ground, leaning against the table. Then he rubs his chin as if he were actually thinking about it.

“Umm… Mom? Is that you?” Thomas says jokingly. I lift my hands and walk over to the empty seat in front of him.

“No! It’s me!” I laugh and so does he. “Doesn’t your Mom have an accent, like you?” I ask.

“Oh, yay I guess I should have thought that through a little more.” he said blushing a little. He glances down at the mug in front of me, filled with piping hot, hot chocolate.

“I bought you some hot chocolate,” Thomas says and I thank him.

We talk for another half an hour and finish our beverages. Then picks his bass back up again says

“I want to play my song for you now. But not here, I have a better place.” he stands up and takes my hands with his. He pulls me up from the chair and we run out of the cafe. He gets a cab and has it drop us off at a beautiful park, I didn’t know existed. We go through this garden maze. Then we stop at a bench in the maze. I think we are somewhere in the middle, but I’m not exactly sure. He sits me down on the bench and begins to play the song. “Laugh Again”.

Authors Note:

“Laugh Again” is an actual song by Winnet. Except Thomas Brodie Sangster wasn’t part of the band when they wrote that song. But I felt like it fit their relationship. And if you want to hear the song here’s a link:

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