Chapter 3

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As we walked out from the room, I didn't expected to see more dead men on the long hallway.

I scanned him from head to toe, and It's unbelievable that he doesn't even had gunshot or at least a cut.

His all black suit was perfectly neat as if he was just got out from his wardrobe--though I know blood weren't really obvious in dark clothes.

He doesn't look real. His face, height, and style were so perfect as if he was a living anime.

I immediately looked down as he glanced at me. "Isn't it funny how they made the room soundproof to the point that they couldn't heard what's happening outside?"

I jolted when he suddenly stopped. "By the I'm Vante." He said in a friendly way, different from what I saw earlier.

"Vante?" I repeat.

"Uhm.. Just call me V, and I'm older than you. So it's a hyung to you." He grinned widely, showing a unique boxy smile. Then he continued to walk.

"Hyung, I'm Jungkook." I still bowed even he doesn't looked.

"Jungkook-ssi, if we met again, I will treat you lunch as a thank you for saving me tonight." He said that made me confused.

"I think it's just fair since you saved me too." I reminded him.

"I didn't. It's just a coincidence." He smiled. "Honestly, my sweet princess was the one who saved you."


"Lisa. She told me to keep you alive no matter what." He shrugged. "I have no choice, it's my princess order."

I didn't respond, and decided to just walk silently as we reached the back door where his car was. I was glad that Lisa really saved me.

On the next day, everything seems back to normal. Yugyeom and I were alive, but my mind was still dying for answers that only Lisa could answered.

I glanced at her, trying to make a simple conversation. But before I could even say something, Lisa glared at me.

"Don't ever try to speak to me, again. Forget what happened if you want to live." She muttered, then looked away.

I shut my mouth closed and swallowed all the words keep shuffling in my head. I leaned back on my seat, pretend that I was really listening to our professor.

After our class, Lisa quickly put her things inside her bag, and stood up. I gained all my guts to grabbed her wrist, and stopped her from heading out of the room.

She immediately turned to looked at me with widened eyes. Her expression looks like she was surprised, and annoyed at the same time.

"Thank you." I said, while looking at her beautiful chocolate eyes.

"What?" She gasped. Her previous widened eyes narrowed in confused.

"Let me treat you lunch as a thank you for saving me." I demanded.

She paused in the act of speaking when her phone suddenly rang. She forcefully pulled her hand from my gripped, and answered the call as she headed out.

After what happened. Lisa didn't attended any of our classes together. She must be avoiding me.

Meanwhile, Yugyeom didn't let the day passed without asking me about Lisa. He thought that we were dating after he witnessed how Lisa dragged me out of the cafeteria. He won't stop even I told him that we're not.

Many days passed, but Lisa remained mysterious to me--though I usually bothered her--I still don't get a chance to formally talked to her since she always ignored me.

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