Chapter 12

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It's just been hours since I left Jungkook's condo but, I felt like something wasn't right, I felt like I shouldn't left or at least talked to him before I left.

I'm in a meeting but, all I've been thinking of is Jungkook, I shook my head in disbelief, I must really like that guy that much. I focused myself to our meeting about the strategies on how we can find my brother. We also received an info that Yifeng was already in our country and they can attacked us at any moment.

I stayed to my father's office for a minute when a guard entered. He quickly bowed to me and to father, "Mr. Jeon Jungkook is missing." he stated.


In a minute another guard entered and bowed, "we already have a lead where Yifeng is."



"You planned this all?" I mumbled.

She rolled her eyes and grinned annoyingly, "of course, I didn't know you're too stupid to think we had sex. I badly wanted to but, you're soundly sleeping already, so maybe we can to it later?"

"Tzuyu how could you?! what else do you want from me?"

She laughed as she walked closer to me and stopped in a place where I can't reached her. "You know what exactly I want to you but, my father need something to you too." she raised one of her eyebrows and folded her arms in her chest, "Just kill me." I clenched my jaw in anger.

"Sure baby boy." she winked and turned her back at me. "Take him, the devil wants to see him." She ordered and quickly walked away.

Hanbin was still standing in the corner, he glances to V hyung who's still unconscious and went his gaze back to me.

Lisa trusted him, she thought he will never agreed in any of his father's plans but, now he's just standing there watching us suffer. He walked in front of me as he pointed me something it looks like a gun but, thinner than the usual hand gun.

"sweet dreams Jungkook" He muttered before he pulled the trigger. I jolted once I felt something painful hits my shoulder, I looked at it and it's not a bullet, it's a tranquilizer dart.

I looked up at him once again, my sight begun to blurred and I begun to feel drowsy. Before I could even said something or done anything, everything went black.

A cold water splashed in my face made me startled and quickly woke up, I shook my head as I blinked few times. I slowly looked up, I noticed the laptop in front of me and V hyung was already sitting if front of me.

"hyung!" I tried to stood up but, my foot and hands were chained. "Jungkook-ssi" he mumbled and smiled, showing his boxy smile. How could he even smiled in his condition and in this situation?

I looked around and realized that we're in an abandoned building, there were men around us too. My gaze was stucked on the middle-aged man in gray suit who's dominantly sitting on the corner.


"Die." I clenched my jaw as I glared at him, he's the reason why this things happened. I furrowed my eyebrows when he laughed, "I like your attitude, huh. Is that what Choi taught you?" he stood up heading in front of me.

He stopped behind V hyung as he looked down at him and yanked his hair back. You gasped as V hyung groaned in pain. "He'll die in front of you if you don't give what I want kid, I'll give you 30 seconds to hacked Choi's account."

I looked at hyung but, he just smiled and slightly to shook his head to signaled me to don't do it but, if I don't do it he'll die. I don't want him to die, "kill me instead. please." I said as I pleaded for V hyungs life, I can sacrifice my life for him.

The ruthless mobster suddenly laughed, "You said what your father's said before." I knitted my eyebrows in confused, "Your father begged for his bestfriend's life and now, you're begging for his bestfriend son's life. I guess history really repeats."

I don't know what exactly he's saying, how he even met my father? My father is just a simple I.T specialist in Japan.

"If history repeats then, you'll failed again." V hyung mumbled that made Yifeng furiously grabbed his collar and lifted him with one hand. "then, I'll made sure kill all of you this time." said while clenching his jaw as he threw him to the floor.

He looked back at me before turned his back, "Kill Choi's son if he's not done within 30 seconds." he ordered his men and he left.

They unchained my hands and I can't still do anything since my feet were still chained and someone was pointing a gun to V hyung's temple.

I started to type on the laptop and planed to sent some message to Lisa using codes but, before I could completely sent it to her someone talked behind me.

"Are you fooling us, Kookie?"

I startled in the loud banged as she pulled the trigger of her gun, I widened my eyes as I saw V hyung's bleeding shoulder, he's been shot. he groaned the sudden pain as I clenched my jaw in anger.

you're a bitchTzuyu! I'll kill you!

"Do another stupidity and his head next." She muttered behind. I slowly place my fingers back to the keyboard and started to type once again.

They only gave me 30 seconds, who is that posible to hacked a well protected account in a short period of time. fuck!

Cold sweat covers my body as I saw the time was already running while Tzuyu keep playing V hyung's gun shot that made him groaned and made me more pressured.

I promised to myself if this would be successful, I'll made sure I'll kill Tzuyu, Hanbin and even Yifeng with my own hands for torturing us like this.

10 seconds









Before the times up someone shot the laptop, the timer and the man who's pointing a gun to V hyung. I quickly looked around and we're all surprised when a huge group of men in black suit started to kill Yifeng's men.

Tzuyu tried to shot V but, she failed when someone shot her gun that made it tossed to the ground.

She glared to someone behind be and mounted "bitch" before she rushed our the building with her men.

I jolted when Lisa from behind handed me a hand gun before she runs to her brother to unchained him. I quickly used the gun to shot the chained in my feet.

I quickly approached Lisa and helped her to carry V hyung. "Ya! follow his daughter, kill that brat for me. I'm okay here, just give me a gun." He ordered Lisa and she quickly obeyed, I was about to followed her but, she stopped me. "Stay here with–"

"nah. I'm not a baby sitter, bring this Jungkookie boy with you." He looked at me and winked. I shook my head in this belief that he can still jokes around in this kind of situation.

Lisa rolled he eyes and agreed, we both quickly headed the back door where we saw Tzuyu ran.

We're ending the war that Yifeng started..



I'm a fan of short story so, I will end this story soon and please let me know your ideas or suggestions.
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