Chapter 7

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"I-I..." he didn't let me finished.

"anyway, Yifeng's men went to Jungkook's old apartment last night. They took the teenager who's currently living there and mistaken that it was him. Luckily, the people there doesn't know much about Jungkook, so they can't get any information about him.

"It means, Yifeng don't know who exactly he's looking for. Pathetic." I mumbled.

"He don't know yet but, he'll surely knew soon, we have to be ready. Go home straight after you class and bring Jungkook with you."

He ended the call, I almost forgot I still have classes and how can I go to out without any clothes. The door suddenly opened and It's Jungkook, "oh, goodmorning beautiful" He softly smiles. "Stop teasing, where's my clothes?"

"I put it in the laundry. Here, I brought you new clothes. I know you don't want to ruined your disguise at school with those clothes, right?" He hand over the two shopping bags with dress, undies and a doll shoes inside.

I startled as he moved closer and wrapped his arms around me, "do you want to shower together?" he whispered with his sexy deep voice as he brushes his lips on my neck that made me shivered.

I gulped thickly, I could feel my face heats up when he suddenly begun to chuckled that made me confused. He cupped my face and smile, "You're so cute when you blushed. go ahead, we'll be late. I'll wait you downstairs" he gave me a pecked on my cheek and left.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, I mentally slapped myself that he completely got me just by his voice.

Aiiish...that damn bunny!


While waiting for our evening class professor, I decided to go to the restroom.

I was walking at the empty and dimmed hallway when I felt someone's following me, no sounds of footsteps can be heard but, I can feel the presence behind. I made my walk calm and slow as I entered the empty restroom, when I suddenly heard a gasped heading my direction. My intuition says someone's gonna hit me from behind.

So, I quickly bend down and swing my right foot as I throw a round kick but, it was blocked. He quickly threw a combo of rear-leg pushkick and round kick but, I managed to blocked it all. Its a guy but, I can't clearly see his face since our actions are fast and he's wearing a black cap. Also, not all the lights at the restroom are on since it's already evening and only few students have night class.

We continued to fight in the dimmed restroom without making any damages that might caused loud noises that echoes the hallway. It means, we're in the same level of knowledge in martial arts. I got a chance to blocked his punch with an elbow strike. I quickly reach for his cap to removed that made him stepped back a bit as I heard him groaned.

I stepped back too, still in position to fight as I looked at him and got surprised. it's Hanbin. What the hell his problem??

"You're still as great as before." He smiled as he brushed back his hair with his fingers.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled, "what was that for? Is that your father's order! huh?" I crossed my arms to my chest as I lean on the countertop sink.

"why are you protecting Jungkook? he's someone who don't needs your protection." He said, he narrowed his eyes as he moved closer.

"I don't. what do you mean?"

"Do you really know him? Isn't it suspicious when an ordinary person have well protected informations? Aside from being good in technology, there's something very interesting about him. My father knows him very well, would you like me to asked him?" He smugly smirked.

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