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It had been a pretty slow day, which was exactly how every Friday was. Everybody was out partying or chilling at home. At saturday it would be a more busy day ,because than all the partying teens who couldn't handle being drunk would come in.

Thats why i always did all my regular appointments on friday. I checked my agenda to see who was the lucky last patient if the day. It was mrs Middleton, i hoped that see had brought somebody with. I had asked her to that the last time i saw her because she was starting to give symptoms of alzheimers. But i wasn't sure yet so i hoped that i would be able so discuss some stuff with her caretaker at the moment.

She said that she didn't have any family but that her neighbour took care of her and made sure she was alright. So i expected her to take her neighbour to the next appointment.

I walked to the waiting room to pick Mrs Middleton and her company up. I was surprised when i saw a young girl sitting next to her. She was probably around 17, she had short curly which covered most of her face. The was looking at the ground while she was calmly swinging her feet back and forth.

"Mrs Middleton, you can come with me"

The young girl helped mrs Middleton get up and they walked behind me while i was walking to examination room. I opened the door and let them inside. Mrs Middleton immediately said on the bed. The young girl stood next to her.

"And who have we brought with us today?" I asked mrs Middleton. But before she got to answer the young girl put her hand forward and i shook it "my name is Lucy, i am mrs Middleton neighbour. Mrs Middleton has asked my to be accompanie her during her appointments. So that i what i will be doing.

Damm she was well mannered for teenager.

"Nice to meet you Lucy, i am happy that you were able to join us today. You can sit in that chair until i finish her vitals okey?"

"Thank you, sir"

I quietly laughed at that, i can't even remember the last time a young patient called me sir. "You can call me luke, i am not yet old enough to be called sir"

She smiled and nodded at me. I took all mrs Middleton's vitals, which were all looking good. Lucy looked very in interested everything i did.

"How old are you ?" I asked as a paged Calum to come check mrs Middleton's heart.

"I am 15 years old"

I honestly expected her to be at least 17, she wore a lot of make up and spoke like she was 20. But she probably was just raised pretty strict.

Soon Calum entered. She get up and politely introduced herself to him. Then Calum talked to mrs Middleton and checked her heart.

I went to stand next to Lucy, i immediately saw her tense up as if she was scared of me being to close. I wondered what her story was, she was wearing a necklace with 2 rings on them. They looked liked weddingsrings. I wanted to ask her about them but couldn't figure out how to exactly ask that. So i just tried to get as much information out of her as i could.

"What school do you go to?"

"Southern Westwood high" she didn't look at me while she talked. She kept her eyes on Calum and mrs Middleton.

"Do you like it there?"

She shrugged "I guess, i just don't really have a lot of friends right now. But I'm trying to change that" she gave me a quick smile.

"How come you don't have many friends at the moment?" I could tell that so was slowly getting frustrated wtih me asking all the questions.

"I am a junior in highschool and 15. All my peers are 17 or 18. So they don't really find it interesting to talk to me. "

"You must be pretty smart if you are already a junior "

She let out a small sight "I am just smarter than people of my age, i don't know if that makes me smart. Mabye i am just a good student"

I could tell that she was done talking about school so changed the subject.

"For how long have you known mrs Middleton?"

She finally looked at my with a pretty serious face. "You ask a lot af questions for somebody who isn't even sitting down"

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