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I was more than angry at that man. He didn't care at all about Lucy. But the thing that made me the most angry was that i couldn't have him arrested. There wasn't any evidence of him actually hurting Lucy. I needed to find Lucy and have her confess.

I looked at ashton "I know who might know where she is."

"Who" he asked confused.

"Mrs Middleton"

We quickly ran to my office and i looked her information up on my computer. I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up. I was walking around the room nervously. She picked up, i quickly explained the situation and aks questions. Out of breath i waited for her response, "Who am i speaking with?" was her answer.

I was about to repeat the whole story again but Ashton put his hands forward "Let me handle this , you're speaking way to fast". I handed him the phone and sat down on the chair behind my desk. Ashton was always so calm in situations like this, the opposite of me. After a few minutes he handed the phone back to me.

"And what did she say? " I immediately aksed

"She said that it was her brother's birthday and that she would visit his grave today. "

"Did she say anything about Lucy living conditions?"

"Well i asked her if Lucy would have any reason to run away from home and she said that beside the fact that her uncle and her argued a lot she wouldn't."

I didn't believe that for one bit. Mrs Middleton wasn't the type to lie, Lucy probably was hiding everything from her. I think her uncle did more than just argue with her.

We both got in the car, Ashton was driving. He put the address in the navigation systeem, it was an hour and a half drive.
He looked at me "Do you think she walked all the way over there?"
I would rather not think about that "I hope not".

The drive was pretty quiet, we jus listened the some music and talked a bit. But i was everything but calm. My knee was bouncing the entire time, anything could have happened to her. We would arrive at the location in 15 minutes, it had started to rain which made me very irritated.

Ashton parked the car in front of the entrance of the cemetery. He looked at me with a sad look "You know that if we find her we have to return her to her uncle right away, right?"

I hadn't thought about that but he was right. If we would take her home with us it would be illegal and we could go to jail. Unless she would speak the truth about her life at her uncle's house.

"Not if i get her to speak" i replied to him. He nodded and we both got out of the car. Ashton was smart enough to keep umbrellas in the car so we wouldn't have to worry about the rain. Mrs Middleton couldn't remember exactly where the grave was located. We would have to search the entire cemetery in hope to see Lucy somewhere. We decided to split up, i went right and Ashton went left.

After i almost lost all hope in the fact that we would even find her, i saw her. She was laying curled up against a tombstone with her jacket covering her. I slowly walked up to her and brought myself to her level. The jacket was covering her face, i slowly pulled it back to see her face. She was sleeping. I didn't wake her up and lifted her up bridal style. The rain hit my face as i carried her to the car.

I layed her on the backseat of the car and texted Ashton that i had found her and to meet us at the car. I joined Lucy on the backseat, putting her head on my lap. Ashton came running and jumped in the driversseat. He turned to me to say something but i shushed him pointing to sleeping Lucy. He whispered an apology and started the car.


I woke up to people arguing. I opened my eyes to see that i was no longer in the cemetery but in a car .Ashton was behind the wheel and i think Luke was sitting beside me but i wasn't sure beacuse i could only hear his voice.

"We can't just bring her home!" He almost yelled to Ashton.

"We have to Luke! It will be kidnapping if we take her to our home now."

I was to scared to sit up but still wanted them to known i was awake. I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms infront of me. Both of them immediately went quiet. That gave me permission to slowly sit up.

"Why are you yelling?" I asked Luke.

"We are going to have drive you home." He said while twirling the rings on his hand.

"But it's not Sunday yet." I stuttered. I couldn't go home, not now. Who knows what my uncle would make his friends do right now. I knew for a fact that he was mad and would let his friends take care of the punishment. He had done that before, his hands would stay clean.

"Why don't you want to go home?" Luke asked me.

I didn't say anything and turned my head towards the window. They weren't kidding about driving me home, i recognized the road that we were on. We would be at my uncle's house in a hour. I heard Luke sigh. He was frustrated with me, i could tell.

"You don't have to go home if you just tell us the reason you don't want to be home right now."

Trusting him was hard but I'd rather to that then going home right now. "My uncle is throwing a party" i said to him.

"Why is that a bad thing?"

"It's not the party that is bad" i replied with a shaking voice.

"Is your uncle the reason you don't want to go home?"

I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. I turned my face towards him and let out a quiet "Yes".
I lifted up my shirt revealing the bruises on my ribs. "I thought i could help him" i said letting the tears roll down my cheeks.

He opend his arms, asking permission to hug me. I accepted his hug and was now crying in his chest while he stroked my hair. I liked that nobody was talking, i needed that. There's wasn't anything that needed to be said right now.

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