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She was fighting her sleep, everytime she closed her eyes and relaxed she woke herself up. But after 10 mintues she got to tired and kept her eyes closed. I was happy with that, it meant that she trusted us enough to fall asleep.

After she had been sleeping for a while i knew it was safe for us to talk. "We gotta be more aware of our actions around her." I said to the rest of guys. They all nodded and Ashton said "We also have to consider taking her to a professional therapist. The more we know of her history the better we will be able to help her."

Michael looked confused at Ashton "Why can't you do it? You have a degree psychology."

"I have never given therapy to a teen. I don't have to right experiences to help her" He answered

"What if you just talk to her for a few weeks, just to get her familiar with the idea of therapy. And after that we will try to find an therapist who is more experienced with teens." I said to Ashton.

He agreed with that.

Michael stood up and grabbed his phone. "Mabye we should write down the things that we know right now that scares Lucy so we know with what we need to be more careful."

"That's pretty smart." Calum answered.

I noticed that Lucy's had become less relaxed. I told the guys to whisper because i didn't want her to wake up.

Michael and Calum continued to whisper things to each other and after a few minutes they showed me and Ashton a list. There were only a few things on the list and were all quite obvious, such as loud noises etc. But the last thing on the list had a question mark behind it, car? I asked them why they thought that she was scared of cars.

Calum answered "When we had to ride her home, she got really anxious as soon as she got in the car. And everytime she has to get in a car she hesitates and seems scared. But we're not quite sure if that is because of the car or something else so we put a question mark behind it."

I nodded, they had good point. We all turned our attention back to the movie. I noticed that Lucy breathing started to get really fast and she was sweating. I think she was having a nightmare and before i could do anything she woke up screaming.


I had that damm dream about my brother again. He was there with the gun and i was still to late. I woke myself up by screaming and immediately forgot were i was and with who. In my head i was still in my own room and my uncle was downstairs coming to punish me for screaming.

I quickly jumped off the couch I was sitting on and moved backwards with my hands infront of me. I saw 4 dark figures in front and got even more scared, did my uncle have friends over? Where even was i? I walked backwards until i hit a wall. One of the dark figures came closer to me, i quickly said what i almost always said before my uncle hurted me. "Please don't, please, i will be quiet. I promise i will be. Just don't hurt me." I begged while tears were running down my face.

The dark figure spoke and i didn't recognize the voice as the one of my uncle. I removed my hands from my head and saw Luke sitting in front of me. "Calm down, we're not going to hurt you. You're safe here." He softly spoke to me.
I blinked a few times and calmed down a bit. I looked confused at Luke and then at the room. I wasn't in my own room and my uncle wasn't here. Luke sat down in front of me and put one of his hands on my knee. "You're safe here." He repeated to me. I suddenly got overwhelmed by a lot of emotions. I started to cry even harder and looked Luke in the eyes. As if he understood me he moved closer and wrapped his arms around me. I relaxed myself in his chest and focused on his heartbeat.

I'm pretty sure i cried into his chest for almost 15 mintues, but he didn't seem to mind. I pulled myself away from Luke and said "I'm sorry."

He looked at me confused "Why are you apologising?".

I honestly didn't even know why i did it. I looked at him and answered "Old habit." He hugged me again and then stood up. He reached his hand towards me and helped me up. I was beyond tired and just wanted to sleep. "May i please go to bed?" I asked Luke. "Of coure, you don't need to ask. I will walk you to your room."

I tucked her in and kissed her forehead "If you have another nightmare or need something our bedrooms our right across the hall." She nodded and said "Thank you."

'Wait" she said to me when i was about to turn her lights off. She got out of bed and grabbed a plush animal out of her bag and layed back in bed. "Now you can turn them off" she said when she was settled. I let out a small laugh and turned the lights off. "Goodnight princess."

It wasn't that late yet so i the guys and i weren't going to bed yet. I walked back downstairs and let myself fall back on the couch. I sighed, i really felt for the kid. She must have been trough so much to react that way to having a nightmare.

"I want to fucking kill her uncle" i said angry to the rest of the guys. Michael put his hand on my shoulder and said "He will get what he deserves and so will Lucy. She will finally get a loving family who takes care of her and loves her."
I looked him in the eyes and said "You're damm right about that." I will make sure that no one will ever hurt her again. She will be loved from now on.

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