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My plan was pretty simple, wait for Calum and Luke to leave then write a note and leave the hospital. But i could already forget the first part of the plan. Luke, Calum, Michael and Ashton all were staying with me during the night. Even after i told them multiply times that it wasn't necessary and that i was fine on my own. They still wouldn't leave.

I upgraded my plan, i would wait until all the boys were asleep and then write a note and try to leave. I pretended to be asleep and soon after i did that the whole room went quiet. I waited for at least on hour before i opened my eyes. Luke was asleep in the chair next to me, Calum was also laying in a chair but then in the corner of the room. Ashton and Michael were on the couch together in a deep sleep. It was really heartwarming to see the relationship the guys all had with each other.

I scanned the room trying to find my jacket and backpack. I saw them laying in front of couch. But before i could get up to grab my stuff i had to get the IV out. I have only seen people on tv do it, they all made it look pretty easy. So i grabbed the needle and carefully pulled it out, it didn't hurt at all. I sat still for a minute to make sure i hadn't woke anyone up. Then i got up and grabbed my notebook and pen from my jacket. I ripped a page out and wrote : I'm sorry but i can't go home tomorrow. Don't worry i am not running away, i will return home myself on Sunday. I just have something i need to take care of. Thank you all for staying with my tonight.

I layed the note on the bed and left the room. I shut the door quietly behind my and left out a relieving breath. I had finished the first part of the plan. Now came the hardest part, leaving the hospital without getting caught. I walked as confidently as possible through the empty halls to the exit. I gave a small smile to every nurse i passed. Nobody stopped me or even gave me a weird look.

I let the cold air fill my lungs. I had made it out of the hospital without trouble. It was 3 AM , i didn't bother to look if there was an bus that was riding. I was going to visit my brother's grave. The last time i went to his grave was a week after the funeral. I have always felt guilty about not visiting more often, but i just couldn't do it. But today i was gonna face my emotions, i was gonna get closure.

Just when i was about the start my 2 hour to the cemetery a bus stopped at the busstop. A little confused i ran to the busstop. It was the bus to the airport, but one of the stops was pretty close to the cemetery. I got on the bus and bought a ticket. There were only 4 other people sitting in the bus, they all had suitcases and looked like tourists. I walked to the back of the and sat down. I wanted to sleep but i was to scared that i would miss my stop. I grabbed my phone from my bag, the battery was at 15%. I sighed and put my phone in my pocket and stared out of the window as entertainment.

The busride took more than an hour. I stepped out the bus a little nauseous. I sat down on the bench at the stop to take a few breaths. The fresh cold air made the nauseous feeling go away. I still had to walk 15 minutes to the cemetery. I lit a cigarette and started on the walk.

His grave almost didn't look recognizable, grass and weeds had grown over it and the writing on the tombstone had faded. I was immediately overwhelmed by emotions. Crying i feel to my knees, i let out all of the emotions. I finally got my closure.


I was woken up by my alarm and quickly shut if off. 5 am was way to early for a Saturday morning. I rubbed my eyes and stood up, pulling the blanket of Michael so that he would also wake up. I looked at Lucy bed and was shocked to see it empty. I picked the note up and read it I'm sorry but i can't go home tomorrow. Don't worry i am not running away, i will return home myself on Sunday. I just have some i need to take care of. Thank you all for staying with my tonight.

I quickly woke everybody up and let them read the note. Luke was the first one the answer " What the fuck does she mean? What does she need to take care of?"

"I don't know."

Michael was the only one who remained calm and said " I think it's best that we ask some questions to her uncle. There must be a good reason."

Luke was getting angry "What if the reason is her uncle? What if she is to scared to go home with him."

I put my hands on his shoulder "Dont worry, we will get to the bottom of this."

We all got dressed and Calum and Michael left to do rounds. Luke and i were able to take the day off. We waited for Lucy's uncle in her room. He didn't lie about coming the first thing in the morning. He stormed in the room at 7 AM. "Where is she?" he almost yelled when he saw the empty bed.
Luke was about the something angry back but i stopped him. "Your niece has left the hospital last night on her own, leaving this note behind." I handed him the note.

"Do you have any idea where she could be?" I asked him.

"No i don't."

"Do you want us the involve the police?"

"No!" He quickly said. "I would like to sign the discharge papers. That way the hospital is no longer responsible for her."

Luke had calmed down a bit "Are you sure that is the best option right now?"

"Yes" he replied impatient.

He was legally allowed to do that because we had already cleared her. He quickly sighed the papers and was about the leave. But i stopped him "Are you going to look for her?"

"Only if she doesn't show up after sunday" with those words said he left the hospital.

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