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I arrived at the hospital 15 minutes before my appointment. My ankle hurted from walking all way and i was incredibly cold. I sat down on a chair and pulled my knees to my chest, trying to warm myself up a bit. But it didn't really work, i was still shivering. I thought that the temperature was gonna be the last thing i would worry about when i had decided to sleep outside for 2 days. Guess i was wrong about that. Just when i felt like falling alseep mrs Middleton, her friend and her doctor's walked towards the waiting room.

I think it was safe to say that i was more than confused when mrs Middleton came to her appointment without Lucy. She had brought a friend, an woman of her age who kinda looked like a Disney villain. She was long and skinny, wore very nice clothes and definitely didn't look friendly. The opposite of mrs Middleton. She introduced herself as mrs Duracell, but in my head she said Dracula.

I did my check up, everything looked good. I paged Calum and asked her a few asked about how she was handeling alzheimers. She said that she hasn't noticed any different. Her friend said the same. Calum entered and gave me a confused look when he didn't see Lucy sitting in the room. But didn't asked questions because mrs Duracell said "Could you speed it up a bit? We have a movie to catch."

Calum forced a smile on his face and said "Of course, this will only take a second and then you're free to go."

He didn't lie about that, he was finished within a mintue. Everything was looking fine. We walked them out. Normally i would let a nurse bring my patients to my room but i maked a exception for Lucy. Calum also didn't have any appointments so he would join me. Unless Lucy would tell us otherwise.

I shook mrs Middleton's and mrs Duracell hand and walked towards Lucy. Mrs Middleton wanted to join but her friend told her she had no time and pulled her towards the exit. Lucy was sitting all alone in the cold waiting, she looked so vulnerable.

Calum and i slowly approached her and i squatted down to her level. "You ready to get those stiches out?" I asked her. She nodded and went to stand up. As soon as she was standing i put my hand towards her, she hesitated for a second but then grabbed my hand. Hand in hand i walked her to examination room with calum walking behind us.

I let her hand go and pointed to the bed "Take a seat" i said while i grabbed her chart. Calum saw her struggling with trying to get on the bed so he picked her up and put her on the bed. She smiled tiredly at him "thank you". Calum booped her nose and said "you're welcome princesses." He then walked to me and whispered "She looks like a bloody ghost". I nodded at him and clapped my hand "So let's get started with those stitches".

I flinched when he clapped his hands. He didn't see it, thank god. Calum went to sit behind the desk on a chair while Luke went to sit in front of me. He grabbed my hand and stared to unwrap the bandage. I was beyond tired and didn't care about anything anymore. I was pretty sure Luke was asking me questions but i wasn't listening to him. I felt a light tugging at my hand, he was taking the stitches out. I tried to focus on my hand but the room wouldn't stop spinning.

Luke had finished taking out the stiches and asked me to move my hand around. I opend and closed my hand and wiggled my fingers around. He gave a satisfied nod and stood up to put the tools away. I felt beyond dizzy. I tried to say something "I..i think ..I'm "before i could say anything else my vision went black.


I looked at Lucy while Luke was taking her stiches out. She definitely didn't look good, she was skinny, pale and flinched when Luke clapped his hands. All of these where red flags just like the things she had told Luke Wednesday. But we both couldn't do anything unless she gave us more information.

Just as Luke turned around to put some stuff away Lucy looked as if she was going to pass out. Just as she was about to say something she passed out. I catched her just in time. Luke turned around confused at the sight of Lucy laying unconscious in my arms. "She passed out" i said as i stood up with Lucy still in my arms.

"Let's get her an IV and a proper bed to lie in" Luke said to me. I layed her in the bed and Luke put the IV in and i checked her heart. Her heartbeat was slow but healthy. After we had finished all that we looked at each other. What the hell are we going to next?

Luke sighed and said "We should probably call her uncle to tell him she is going to have to stay over night."

"Yeah we probably should" i replied. Luke looked trough her chart and typed the number that was registered as her guardian in his phone. He put it to his ear and walked out of the room, he didn't want to wake Lucy up.

After a few minutes Luke returned and waved me to come over. We both steped outside Lucy's room. "And what did he say?" I asked.
Luke rubbed the back of his neck with his hand and said " Well he said that he was going to pick her up first thing Saturday morning."

"That was it?" I aksed confused.

"Yeah, he didn't really sounded like he cared. He sounded more annoyed by the fact that he had to pick her up."

"Well if he isn't gonna come, we will keep her company for the night." I said and Luke agreed. I texted Michael and Ashton and went inside Lucy's room. Luke was sitting in a chair next to her bed, i slowly sat on the end of the bed.

"Why do you think she passed out?" I asked Luke. He looked at her and said "Probably exhausting and dehydration."

I slowly opened my eyes and wanted to sit up but as soon as i did i felt stinging pain in my side. I winced and immediately put my hands to my side. Luke was sitting beside me and Calum was sitting on my bed at my feet. Luke put his hand on my shoulder and slowly pushed me back.

"You don't need to get up. Try to rest." He spoke to me.

I ignored him and pushed his hand of my shoulder.

"Do your ribs hurt?" Calum aksed while he came closer.

"No, besides my headache i feel fine" i lied. He didn't believe it but accepted the answer. "When am i allowed to leave?" I asked to the both of them.

Luke answered " You're staying overnight just so we can be sure your hydrated and well rested. And then your uncle will come pick you up early in the morning."

"My uncle said that?" I said confused.

"Yeah he did"

I laid back down, i needed a plan. There's no way i am going home with my uncle in the morning. I didn't want to be in a car with him and definitely did not want to attend his party.

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