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I was just about to say something back to her when calum interrupted . "Her heart is looking as good as can be" Calum said as he took his cloves off. He smiled at mrs Middleton "I will not change any medicine at the moment, because the ones you are having now are doing the right job."

Lucy immediately wrote something down in her notebook.

Calum shook mrs Middleton's hand and waved goodbye to Lucy. She smiled and waved back. Calum then left the room, he never really had time to stay long because he had a busy schedule. But mrs Middleton never minded that, she was a very nice understanding lady. She had long grey hair that she always wore in a braid. Like any other other lady she always carried the same purse around with most likely a lot of unnecessary stuff.

Lucy also looked liked she carried around a lot of unnecessary things. But not in her purse but in her demin jacket. The pockets of her ripped demin jacket looked full. And on the inside she kept her notebook that she had put back after she had written something down. I also noticed that her and mrs Middleton had same eyecolor. Both had big green eyes. Funny how they kinda looked like each other.

"Let's sit down, so we can discuss some things" i said to both woman.

"I would like to ask a few things regarding mrs Middleton's memory and her mobility to do certain things around the house "

They both nodded and Lucy pulled out her notebook again.

I looked to mrs Middleton "Have you been noticing that you have troube remembering things. "

She kinda looked sad and said "Yes i have, i always forget were i put things. And sometimes i even forget what i have said to somebody a minute ago. I never had troube remembering those things a few years ago."

I wrote that down " Do you also feel like you are forgetting things about the past ? "

Slightly more happy this time she responded "No i still remember almost everything about my past. I remember my first date with my husband and even our first kiss. And i can also still remember the first time i met Lucy and her brother."

I watched Lucy face drop as she said "brother" but i ignored it.

"That's good to hear, right now you only seem to have trouble with your short term memory. I would like to schedule a appointment with dr Irwin, he is a neurologists. He will talk to you regarding your memories and then do some test for alzheimer's disease. Because the symptoms you are describing to me sound like alzheimers. Do you know what that is?" I asked her.

"Yes i know what that is."

"Any questions regarding the test?"

"No not at the moment."

I nodded and focused my attention on Lucy. "Do you have to do a lot of chores for mrs Middleton "

"No not really"

"Can you name a few things that you do for mrs Middleton?"

"I do her laundry, help her cook dinner, vacuuming, take the trash out and i do the groceries sometimes."

Mrs Middleton nodded at her in agreement. And said "I only let her do the things i can't really do myself anymore because my body is getting older"

"It's to hear that good people still exist" i said as i smiled to Lucy. "I would like to schedule the appointment with dr Irwin on Wednesday at 5:00 PM. It that alright?"

Mrs Middleton and Lucy both said yes.

"Good then i will put that down. Our regular appointment on Friday will be the same. Next week at 4:00 o'clock."

I quickly wrote both dates in my notebook, because i knew mrs Middleton would forget the appointment on Wednesday and i would forget the one on Friday. I wanted to get up, thinking the appointment was finally over but Luke went to say one more thing. "Lucy you won't be able to be in the examination room with mrs Middleton next Wednesday but you can wait in the waiting room." I nodded at him and got up from my chair. Luke did the same and went the hug mrs Middleton goodbye.

She happily hugged back, she was always the huggers type. But i wasn't , i hated it when people got to close to me, i was always thought that they would hurt me.

So i quickly took a step backwards as he approached me to hug me. I put my hand forward so i could shake his hand. He lauged as he shook my hand . "You certainly are a well mannered teen".

I wasn't , i was just scared that he would hurt me if i was disrespectful in any way. I guess i could thank my uncle for my "good manners".

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