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Lucy still hasn't come down yet, she probably fell asleep. I got up from the couch and walked to Lucy's room to kiss her good night. I knocked on her door a few times and after she gave no reply i entered. I immediately froze when i saw her room empty and her window half open. "Lucy?!" No answer, the room was empty. I ran to her window and grabbed the note that was on it. Sorry, i need some time alone. Will be back tomorrow morning.
"What the fuck" i whispered under my breath.

I ran downstairs "Lucy is gone".

"What do you mean Lucy is gone?" Calum asked concerned.

I handed him the note, he read it outloud.

Micheal looked at me with a confused face "What does she mean by i need some time alone?"

"I don't know, i have no clue were she could be. She has left her phone in her room so i also cant call her or look at her location."

Ashton stood up. "Okay this is what we'll do. Luke and Calum will drive around her old neighbourhood, Michael will look for her in our neighbourhood and i will stay here in case she comes back. If we can't find her after 2 hours, we'll involve the police.

We all nodded and did as Ashton told us. I got into the car with Calum. I was way to nervous to drive so i gave my keys Calum. "What if something happens to here?" I asked Calum while i was bouncing my knee.

"You must not think about those things right now. Focus on thinking were she could've went."he spoke sternly.

We first drove past her old house and than mrs Middleton's house. We got out of the car and looked inside the both of them but there was no sight of her.
I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "Were else could she be?"

"Mabye she is at the park. You know, the one were we went to feed the ducks?"

"Yeah you're right. Let's go." I ran to the car and Calum drove to the park. I didn't even wait for him to stop to open my door and step out. "I'll go left you go right!" I shouted to Calum while i ran into the park.

There she was sitting on the bench infront of the pond. Not caring about scaring her i run towards her. As soon as i reached her i hugged her tightly.
"Please don't ever scare me like that again." I whispered into her shoulder while tears were streaming down my face. I let her go and looked her in the eyes, her eyes were crying but the rest of face was relaxed. She wasn't looking at my either, her gaze was focused on the water in front of her. I sat down next to her and looked at where she was staring at.

"Why did you come here?" I aksed her almost whispering because every little noise sounded so much louder in the dark and deserted park.

She shifted her gaze towards her feet. "I needed a quiet place where i could think without being interrupted."

"What did you need to think about?" I was trying so hard to understand her but i also was mad at her. She can't just randomly sneak out the house because she needed time to "think."

She looked up at me with sad eyes. "Why do you love me?"

Surprised by her questions i stayed quiet for a second . "Because you're the best thing that could ever happen to me. You're a smart, kind and beautiful girl who has given meaning to my life. I can never imagine my life without you."

More tears fell down her face when i told her that.

"I was planning on giving this to you tomorrow but i think now is a better time." I reached in the pocket of my coat and pulled a envelope out.

She opened the envelope with shaking hands and pulled the letter out. She read it and then froze. "These..these are adoption papers." She said with a shaking voice, looking to me with surprised eyes.

"I want you to be my daughter. I want you to be a part my family. Do you want that?"

She started to cry even more. "Yes, yes i do. Thank you so much."

I hugged her thighly and cried along with her. After a few minutes of silence she whispered in my ear "I love you." I hugged her even tighter before i let her go and looked her into her eyes, i love you too.

                           The end

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