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I woke up in the middle of the night sweating. It was that damm nighmare again. My brother was standing in front me with the gun in his hands pressed to his head. It was my uncle's gun, my brother had stolen it from him. I stormed in his room after he had sent me a weird text about how he loved me but couldn't take it anymore. He stood there with the gun, his body faced towards me. Everything that happend next seemt to be in slow motion. He whispered "I'm sorry" to me and pulled the trigger. I ran screaming towards him, catching him before his body hit the ground. He was gone, there was no doubt about it. I remember picking up the gun from my brother's hand and putting it to my own head. I thought about joining him and my parent's but couldn't do it. I would not leave mrs Middleton and my uncle behind.

I hated him for leaving me behind, i hated my uncle for having a gun. I hated myself for not seeing the signs sooner. My nights were never the same after. I told mrs Middleton about what had happend but not about the nightmares and how the memory still haunted me. I thought that eventually i would just forget it. But it hasn't happend yet. My brother's messed up face would still visit my dreams.

I didn't feel like going back to sleep. I looked at my phone, it was 3:40 AM. I carefully listened at door to make sure my uncle and his guest were sleeping. After 15 minutes of complete silence i confirmed that it was safe enough for me to come out of the bedroom. I picked up my plush animal (it was a small sheep that I've had since my birth and i still can't sleep whitout it. I had named it sheep.) and walked slowly out of the bathroom. I looked around my room and then looked at the window. I could just leave and not come back until sunday that way i wouldn't have to entertain at the party.

I picked up my schoolbag and trew some books out. I put sheep in the bag along with a hoodie, a pair of leggins and my charger. I didn't have any food to bring with me but i did have a bottle of water. Water was more important than food anyways. And i could buy food as soon as i was done with my doctor's appointment.

I climbed out of the window and closed it behind me. I wasn't planning on having to come back through the window. I jumped into shed and wanted to jump off the shed but slipped. I fell off but i still tried to land on my feet, i failed and my unkle snapped. I bit my hand as i tried not to scream out from the pain. I grapped my water bottle out of my bag and put it against my ankle. I carefully examined it, i had enough knowledge about the human body to know that i was not broken. I just pulled the muscle. It would probably swell a bit and hurt for a few days but nothing besides that.

I stayed on the ground until my ass started to freeze to the ground. I removed my water bottle from my ankle, it wasn't even swollen. I also checked the bruises on my ribs and hip they still looked the same but the swelling had went down a bit.

I got up, it was now 4:30. I sighed i still had a lot of time to kill. I walked through the park, i loved being outside in the night. Everything was so quiet, nobody was crazy enough to go outside at this time. I wasn't scared of kidnappers or something because the park was the far away from the to road and had to little trees to hide behind. The park also had lanterns which made it look like i was walking in a movie scene. I wished that i could just freeze time right now.

I woke up by the sound of people walking. I rubbed my eyes and looked confused around. I don't even remember falling asleep. I slowy sat up on the wooden bench and stretched. I quickly searched my bag to see if something was missing but everything was still there expect the money from my wallet. But i didn't really care about that, i could miss 20 bucks. I checked and was shocked to see that it was already 10 in the morning.

I was about the run the school but didn't have the energy to do that and my ankle still hurted. I could miss one day school right? I thought about were i could go. Mrs wouldn't be home until 3 o"clock because she was visiting an old friend who she recently got in contact with. I was kinda sad that i wouldn't get to speak to her privately today but i at least would get to see her.

My only option right now would be the internet cafe. It was only a 10 minute walk. I ordered food and thea, i hated coffee. I sat down at the window and put my phone in the charger. I enjoyed to look at the people that passed, everybody had their own story. My phone was still empty so i grabbed my notebook and sketched the people walking by while i ate my food. I didn't have money to order a lot but a sandwich was just enough for me.

After a few mintues my phone lit up. It immediately vibrated, un unknown number had tried to call me twice. Unknown numbers scared me, especially right now. I was basically a run away. The number had left a voice mail message after calling the second time. I didn't open it.
But after ignoring it for a while my curiosity took over and i played the message. I was surprised when i heard mrs Middleton voice.

"Hey bunny, how are things? I am calling from my friend's house phone so i presume that that is the reason your not picking up. Or you're in class. Either way i thought that leaving a message would must be easier than calling 10 times. I am calling you to tell you that you don't need to come to the doctor's appointment with me. My friend and i will go together because we want to go the cinema straight after. So it would be easier if she would just joined my at the doctor's. I hope you're having a good day and in case i dont see you anymore good luck with your doctor's appointment. Love you, byeee"

I repeated the message at least 10 times. I just didn't want to believe it. She was leaving me alone, right now that i needed her. Normally i wouldn't have mind the fact that i didn't have to join the check up but today was different. I needed a hug from her, i needed her support at my own doctor's appointment. I starred out of the window for a really time, i had to process all of it.

I watched a movie on my phone, did some homework and before i knew it, it was time to start walking to the hospital. If i walked according to my calculations i would arrive during mrs Middleton so that i could see her after her appointment and before mine. If i showed up before her appointment started she would ask questions and get worried.

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