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Afther 5 minutes a nurse called my name and brough me to a bed were she took all my basic vital, blood pressure etc.
"The doctor will be with you in a minute"

I wasn't as dizzy anymore because the bleeding had finally stopped and stitting down also helped. I was just really tired, i felt as if i wanna gonna fall over at any moment. I looked at the clock , it was almost 11:30 at night. I wondered if the bus would still ride this late. My phone vibrated in my pocket, my uncle had texted me.

Uncle: where the fuck are you?
Uncle: there's fk blood on the floor
Lucy: i am at the hospital to get stitches
Uncle: k

He was probably drunk again because he wasn't texting very friendly. I wanted to text him back to ask if he would be able to pick me up but my phone died. Great, just great.

I was almost done for the day, i just had one more patient and then i would be able to sleep. Micheal had just finished surgery and was waiting on me to finish my shift so we could go home together. Micheal was a general surgeon, he could basically fix anything.

I walked into the room i was paged to. My eyes immediately met 2 tired green eyes. It was Lucy, the polite girl who had came to the appointment of mrs Middleton. I wondered what had happened in that short period of time.

The nurse handed me her information. Cut in hand, possible 5 stiches needed. I put on my gloves and turned to her.

"So what has brought you here?"

I slowy undid the bandages on her hand. She definitely needed 5 stitches mabye even 6.

"I guess i just wasn't paying attention to my hand when i was cutting the tomatoes" she answered tiredly.

"Did you come here all by yourself?"


"Okey I'm going to numb your hand so i can i do the stiches. You're going to feel a light pinch and after that you shouldn't feel anything"

She nodded.

"Can you feel anything?"

"No i can't"

"Good, i am going to do the stiches now"

She didn't response. She was staring at the ground zoned out. Poor girl was probably tired as hell, having to go to school , a doctor's appointment and then having to go to the hospital all by herself.

"All done." I said while taking my gloves of.

She slowy looked at her hand and moved it around.

"Okey so i scheduled you on Friday at 4:30 to get your stiches taken out. That's right after mrs Middleton's appointment. I also saw in your file that you haven't had a check since you were 12. So Luke will do that right after mrs Middleton's appointment because that's easier and them he will take your stiches out. Unless you want me to do. Is that alright with you?"

She slowy looked up and said " As long as Luke doesn't ask to many questions i don't mind it."

I lauged at her " I will ask him to not talk to much"

She looked up at the clock and asked "Do you know if the bus to seashell mall still rides at this hour? My phone died so i can't look it up.

"I don't think that the bus will ride this late. The only bus that rides this late is the one to the airport."

She sighed " I guess i gotta walk again"

"You walked alone to the hospital at night?"

"Yeah, i didn't feel like waiting 40 minutes on the next bus and my uncle wasn't home to bring me"

"Is he at least gonna be able to pick you up?"

"No, i texted him before my phone died and he said that he was sorry but wasn't gonna be able to pick me up. But that's fine i don't mind walking."

Was she really thinking that i was gonna let her walk all the way home in the middle of the night.

"Hell no, i am not letting you walk home alone. I was just about to clock out and go home with my roommate so i can give you a ride home. "

She didn't even argue "Thank you, that's very kind of you"


I was so fucking tired that i really thought that i was gonna fall over as soon as i would get up. Dr Hood was very friendly and i trusted him enough to let drive home, but i wouldn't get in the front seat just to be safe.

He told my to wait here so he could clock out and get his grab his roomate. I wondered who his roommate was. I prayed that it wasn't Luke.

Soon Calum and a guy with blond hair entered the room. He wasn't a natural blond, i could to his dark roots growing at the top of his head but that guy could pull it off. He walked toward my and shook my hand. "Dr Michael Clifford at your service" . I gave him a small smile and said my full name just because he also did "Lucy Green's ".

He offered my his hand as support when i was trying to jump of the bed without falling. I happily took his hand and jumped off. And of course my dizziness decided to come back. I walked behind the guys out of the door. As soon as i was out they both laughed at me. "What's so funny?"

"You walk like your drunk."

"I'm sorry, I'm just really tired and kinda dizzy"

They stopped laughing and Calum said "You don't have to apologise for that princess. You want a piggyback ride to the car?"

I nodded an got on his back " You can put me down if i get to heavy"

He lauged at that"You're as light as a feather and i am really strong of course"

Michael and i both lauged at that.

He put my in the front seat of his car even though i had said to myself that i would sit in the back. But i was tired to argue or too scared, i don't know anymore. You are now my new gps he said as he started the car. I hated sitting im the front seat, my uncle and his friends saw that as a free pass to touch me. Because i couldn't get away anyway and the driver only needed one hand the wheel.

I was slightly more awake as i navigated Calum through the streets. Within 15 minutes we arrived at my house. "Well this is me. Thank you so much for driving"

"Not at problem at all. I will see you and mrs Middleton next friday. Stay safe princess" Calum said while smiling at me

I smiled and waved at the both of them and walked inside my house. They didn't leave until i had closed the door behind me.


I had a strange feeling about this girl. I felt as if she was hiding a lot of things. Like who just let's a 15 year old walk alone and injured and night to the hospital?

"Don't you think this whole situation was a bit sketchy?" I asked Michael.

"No not really, just a independent teenager with busy parents."

"I don't think she even has parent's , she kept saying uncle"

Michael shrugged "You can ask her any question you want when you see her next week"

I suddenly understood why Luke ask her so many questions. She never really answers questions, she would speak but wouldn't give answers. There was so much i wanted to ask this mysterious girl. But i would have to wait.

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