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Mrs Middleton walked away with dr Irwin and dr Hemmings. I was now sitting alone in the waiting room. But to be honest i was very happy to finally be alone. It has been a rough week, I've been taking extra shifts at the gasstation for the last few days. And because of that i now only get 3 hours of sleep every night. My right hand still hurt
so i wasn't able to help mrs Middleton with everything perfectly. She would say that it wouldn't matter to her if the laundry would be done another time, but i knew that i did bother her. So i did all the chores anyways, but mainly with my left hand. This has caused my left hand to blister. And if that wasn't bad enough i also had to figure out what i was gonna for my brother's birthday.

I put my headphones in and thought about everything that i needed to think about right now. I didn't have any math homework to do right now because i would meet up with the professor tommorow and he would give me work to do. And i didn't bother doing homework for another subject's because i didn't like doing it and i would get a good grade anyways. So school was not a worry of mine right now.

After 5 minutes of thinking about everything i felt my mind getting tired. Within a minute a had falling asleep.


Ashton wanted to ask some questions to mrs Middleton alone so decided to check on Lucy. Calum told me that she came to the hospital on Friday to get her hand stitched up. And that he had to drive her home after that. It made me sad to hear that nobody cared enough for her to pick her up from a hospital at night.

I walked into the waiting room, besides Lucy the room was completely empty. She had fallen asleep on her chair, she was curled up in a ball with her headphones in. I slowly sat next to her and looked at her. She had dark circles under her eyes, a lot of holes in her clothes and blisters on her left hand. But then i looked more closely at her hands. Her jacket had rosen a bit revealing what looked like a bruise.

I carfully grabbed her hand, not wanting to wake her up because she looked like she needed those 30 minutes of sleep. But as soon as I tried to lift up her sleeve a bit more she quickly pulled her hand towards her chest and looked at my with fear in her eyes.


I felt my heart racing in my chest as i looked Luke in the eyes.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to wake you up or scare you"

I quickly adjusted myself and realised that he had probably seen the bruises on wrist. I had to act normal and fast. I wasn't scared of him and my wirst were not bruised. I repeated that sentence 10 times in my head just so that i would start to believe it.

"It's fine, I'm just light sleeper" i said with a small smile.

He didn't return the smile but still had a concerned look on his face

"Who did that you?"he asked pointing at my wrist.

I let out a nervous laugh and said "Oh those, they are from the dog leash. I walk my friends dog sometimes and he likes to pull on the leash and i am stupid enough to put to leash around my wrist."

He squinted his eyes at me. I knew that he didn't believe me. But he couldn't confirm anything as long as i also didn't confirm anything.

"Are you sure?" He asked

"Yes, a hunderd percent." I said without hesitation.

He sighed and looked me in my eyes.
"Let me know if you help to walk the dog, i don't want you to hurt yourself"

I knew that he wasn't just talking about the dog. I didn't like this loophole, i didn't want to tell him anything about why i got the bruises. Even if we were talking about my "friends dog".

"I will, thank you" i said giving him a small smile which he returned.

We both didn't say anything for a while until Luke turned himself back to me and asked: "So why doesn't your friend just bring the dog to a training center?"

I kept my down and looked at the ground as i answered his question. "He thinks that he is able to train the dog himself."

I felt him looking at me but i didn't want to look at him because i had tears in my eyes. But i kept blinking them away, i didn't want to cry in front of him.

He asked another question. "Why won't he realise that he can't train the dog on his own?"

I felt my voice crack as i answered "Even though the dog is mean he loves the dog and is convinced that the dog still loves him."

He slowly laid his hand on my back and i strangely didn't mind that. I felt as if i could trust him, but i didn't want to give in in that feeling.
"You can talk to me" he said while he rubbed my back.

I couldn't talk to him. If i did i wouldn't be able to help my uncle get better and i would lose mrs Middleton as my neighbour and i didn't want that. I didn't want to break my promise.

So i got up without looking at him and said "I gotta use the restroom" and quickly walked away.


I wanted to run after her and hug her. I wanted to let her known that she could trust me and that i was able to help her. But i knew that i just needed to be patience. I almost got her to break and confess. But i had to wait for Friday to talk to her again. She worried me she had bruises, dark cirlces ,holes in her clothes and she looked incredible skinny. She had all the signs of a neglected or even abused child but i couldn't force her to admit that. I needed to know more about her and anout her situation.

Then it hit me. I was her fucking doctor i was allowed to look at her medical file and her family history.

I opened her file, there was nothing special about her first years. Her parents died when she was nine, which explained why she was living with her uncle. After that she had come to the hospital a few times for stitches and the regular check ups but besides that there was nothing. Her file went empty after her last check up ,she was twelve.

I sighed and closed the file disappointed. I knew that she needed help but i wasn't able to give it to her unless the would talk to me.

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