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Her breathing had calmed down, she was asleep. "What do we need to do now? I asked Ashton.
"We need to call the police and tell them that we have proof of him hurting and neglecting a child."

I was about to dail 911 when i remembered that we didn't even know his name. But i did still have his number saved in my phone from calling him earlier. He probably wouldn't pick up but at least i would've given it a shot. I called the number and as i expected he didn't pick up. The phone went to voicemail, "Terry Burley is currently not available, please call back later or leave a message." The idot didn't even need to pick up to give us all the information we needed, we had his full name.
Ashton announced that we would be home in 10 minutes. It was probably best to call the police once we were home and had settled Lucy down.


Luke was slightly shaking me which woke me up. "We're home" he whispered to me. I rubbed my eyes and looked out of the window. The car stood infront of a big two story house, it looked very modern. While observing the huge house Luke had gotten out of the car and had opened my door. He put his hand forward "Ready to go in?" He said with a big smile on his face. I nodded, took his hand and stepped out of the car never taking my eyes of the huge building.
He noticed that and laughed "It's pretty big isn't it?" I looked an him and said "Yeah it is."

Calum and Michael weren't home yet because it was only 2PM. Ashton said that they would be home around 9. Luke guided me to the kitchen and told me to sit down at the kitchentable. "I gotta make a few calls but Ashton will stay here with you." He said before turning around and leaving the kitchen. I honestly still was scared, i had no clue where i was and i didn't know what would happen to me if my uncle would be arrested.
My thoughts were disturbed by Ashton "You hungry?" He said walking in the kitchen. I definitely was hungry but  wanted to stay polite. "Yes, but only a little bit"

He gave me a confused look and said "I'm making you pasta. You look more than just a little bit hungry."

I said nothing back. My instincts were telling me to run out the door as soon as possible, he could hurt me or try to poison me. But i didn't give in, not because i knew my instincts were dumb but because i knew i wasn't fast enough to ran away.

I guess those thoughts triggered my anxiety because my chest was getting tighter and i was sweating. I quickly tried to control my breathing. I closed my eyes, put my hand on my chest and took a few deep breaths while counting. I did this for a few minutes until my anxiety was gone. When i opened my eyes there was a plate of food in front of me and Ashton was looking at me.

"Were did you learn that?" He asked

The question confused me "what do you mean? I asked.

"The way you calmed youself down while you were having a anxiety attack."

I shrugged "Experience, i guess."

He pointed to the plate "That's for you, try to eat something."

"Thank you" i said and started on the food. He took this opportunity to talk to me.

"Do you get anxiety often?"

I hated it when people talked to me while i was eating. But not answering would be rude and my uncle never liked it when i was rude. "Yes, i do"

"Do you get medication for that?"

I let out a small laugh "No, I've never even been to a therapist."

He wanted to say something to me but Luke interrupted. "Ash can i talk to you for a sec?"

They both left the room and i quickly finished my plate. I kinda wanted to explore the house but then they would probably get worried if they would come back to an empty kitchen. So i just washed my plate and sat back down. I wondered what they were talking about.

They both enterd the room with a serious look on their face. Luke was the first to speak " Your uncle has been arrested and is charged with possession of illegal drugs and child abuse. But they want you to come to the sation and confirm the accusations."

"What happens if i don't do that?" I asked him

"His jail sentence would be a lot shorter. And he would most likely get custody of you as soon as he would get out of jail."

I didn't really care about how long he would go to jail but i did care about having to live with him. "When are we leaving? I asked.

"Right now."

Luke was driving this time, Ashton was sitting in the passenger's seat and i was sitting behind Ashton. They gave me weird looks when i said i didn't want to sit in the front but didn't ask any questions. I was rehearsing the words i would say to the police in my head. I was nervous but this was something that i had to do, i had waited long enough.

When we arrived at the police station my heart was beating extremely fast. Ashton tried to calm me down while Luke was taking to a officer. I wouldn't have to see my uncle, i just had to answer the questions the officers would ask. My name was called and i followed an officer to a small room with a desk and chairs in it. The officer and a woman sat down with me at the desk.

"I'm am just going to ask you a few questions regarding your uncle. If you don't want to answer any questions you can let me know. Miss Kent is here because you're still a minor."

I nodded and he started with asking questions.

"Did your uncle physically hurt you?"


"Can you name a few examples?"

I showed him my bruises and also showed him a few pages out of my notebook. When the abuse started i would write it down in my notebook. I had written down the date when it happend, what my "mistake" was and what his punishment was. There were pictures taken of my notebook and my bruises. I thought he was finished after that but he still had a few questions to ask.

"Did he ever try or succeed to hurt you sexually?"

I didn't really know how to answer that question because he had never done anything to me like that. But he did let his friend to stuff to me when we celebrated his birthday last year. As soon as i thought about that day i started to cry. I couldn't lie to the police.

"No, but his friend did and he was aware of that."

"Can you tell us the name of his friend?"

I told him the name and he wrote it down. He aksed a few more questions which only made my cry harder. I can't even remember the last time i had cried.

The interview was over and the officer returned me to Luke and Ashton. He spoke to both of them " She has given us enough information. He will definitely face a long time in jail. I heard that the social worker has already contacted you, correct?"

"Yes, i will be fostering her for the time being." Luke answered.

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