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Mrs Middleton was more than happy to see me .We hugged each other tightly for a long time before she let go and kissed my cheeks. I felt happy, everything felt familiar again and in the right place. Michael and Ashton went to sit in the livingroom while me and mrs Middleton went into the kitchen to make thea. But we mostly took this time to talk about everything that had happend the last couple of days. I didn't tell her how bad it exactly was at my uncle's just that he drank a lot and something's did drugs. I also told her how much she had helped me, she always was there to comfort me. When i had told her that she had tears in her eyes and hugged me. I felt a few tears fall down my face as we both held each other.

We walked to the guys with thea and sweets. Mrs Middleton really acted like she was my mother, she interrogated them with questions. I just looked at her while she did that. I was trying to save the image of right now, her thin grey hair, her wrinkles and her green eyes. It made me sad to think that soon she won't even know that this conversation ever happend. I had thought about telling mrs Middleton my home situation multiple times but never did it. First because of my brother, he didn't trust her and was scared that if i told her we would be separated. And after my brother had died i was used to my uncle behaviour. I didn't really think about it anymore, it didn't feel like something i had to bother her with. Running away also wasn't an option because i had promised her that i would always stay with here. Even though it meant that i was suffering.

We stayed for quite a while at her house and talked about a lot of things. I had Michael and Ashton promise to me that i would still be able to see her every day. I needed something in my life right now that would stay the same and wouldn't change. We also talked a bit about the retirement home situation. She announced that she wanted to move to one in a few weeks, especially now that i wasn't living next to her anymore. She and her friend had found one close by that wasn't too expensive. I wasn't sad about her decision, besides sadnness she didn't have anything that was keeping her in this house. It was good for to have some company and to be monitored by doctor's.

We all said goodbye, i hugged her as tight as possible. We all got into the car and drove away as i tried to leave all my bad memories in that house.


"Luke i need you to calm down." I said to him as he was trying to punch to street light in front of him.

"HOW? HOW CAN YOU STAY CALM AFTER THAT!?"he yelled at me. I firmly grabbed him by the arm and hugged him. "I need you to calm down." I said to him again while holding his arms down in the tight hug. It took him a few minutes but after that i felt him relax. I let him go and he looked to the ground with wet eyes. "Let's go home" i said to him.

We both got into the car but i didn't turn the key, i wanted to talk to Luke before we would go home. The meeting went perfectly fine at first, just basic information about what we had to do which wasn't much. We just had to make sure Lucy was present at the given date. But it were 2 dates, one for her uncle and one for a guy named George. We didn't know who he was so we asked. Our lawyer showed us the copies of Lucy's notebook as answer. He said that that was the only piece of evidence that he was allowed to share with us, the rest was in the hands of the police. But both of us didn't hear him anymore. On a few pieces of paper were punishments written down in a shaky handwriting. Most of the punishments were hitting or no food for a few days. But there was one line that stood out to me :
July - Laughing too loud- chained in basement for a week

I was absolutely speechless. How could somebody be so cruel to a child? Reading this made me understand why we had never seen her laugh or be herself. Luke handed my a different piece of paper with shaking hands. It was the answer to the question "who is George?". He was a sick twisted man who was friends with her uncle. He had tried to touch her on multiple occasions. According to her notebook her brother had succeeded in scaring him away. Until he one day returned at the house when only her uncle was home. I didn't want to read the next sentences but i couldn't stop myself.

I put the paper down and looked at Luke who was almost exploding with anger. I quickly ended the meeting and brought Luke outside were he finally let it all out. He was furious, yelling and kicking things. He just wanted to protect her, he wanted to give those scoundrels the punishment they deserved. I also felt angry but i expressed it differently than Luke.

He was now sitting quiet next to me in car. "Why would they hurt her?" He asked with a soft voice.
"They were sick people. "

The car was silent for a second, we both needed to pick ourselves up again.
Luke suddenly pushed his hair back and sat up straight. "We will help her and be there for her. She won't ever has to feel scared again"
I agreed with that and turned the carkey, we were going home to Lucy.

I was sitting on the floor in the room that i now got to call my own. The boxes were infront of me waiting to opened but i refused to do that. Looking in them would only make me miss my parents and brother even more. I shoved them under my bed, saying to myself that i will open them soon. I picked up the third box and got all my stuff out. The room still felt way to empty, i hated that feeling. I looked outside, the sun was already leaving to blue sky. I locked my door, grabbed a blanket and sat outside my window. The need to smoke a cigarette wasn't there, i just wanted pure calmness for a while.

I quicly jumped back inside when someone nocked on my door. It was more falling than jumping. I unlocked the door and was greeted by Calum and Luke. They both hugged me tightly, i was really confused about that but didn't mind it. I wasn't scared either, i started to trust the guys.

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