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07 | NEWS

"Just in, October 26th, 2XXX, 2am, a fire broke out in an apartment in Yongsan District, Seoul and was declared fire out at 5am. According to investigators, the source of such incident is yet to be known. There are reported three people dead and identities are still on process-"

"Yongsan District?" Beomgyu stopped fidgeting his remote-controlled toy car. I also stopped scrolling through my phone.

"Yeonjun lives in Yongsan District, doesn't he?" his question made my heart skip a beat.

I almost cursed and ran outside, I heard Beomgyu calling me but I continued on running. I need to go to Yeonjun. I need to make sure he's fine.

My phone kept on ringing so I paused and answered it.



"Y-Yeonjun!? Thank God you're fine."

I got calmer now that I heard his voice. He's safe.

"I'm sorry."

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