3 1 | A W E E K L A T E R

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It has been a week and there were no signs of Yeonjun. So, he really left and he really won't come back. That's great!

I can now focus on Beomgyu and give him all my love. Who needs Yeonjun, anyways? Certainly not me.

"Soobin! Let's go?"

Beomgyu and I are going out a lot recently. We've been to waterparks, amusement parks, and even in the zoo. We ate a lot of food and enjoyed the world.

I never had fun like this ever since- no, Soobin. You're gonna stop thinking about him. Stop comparing him to Beomgyu. Beomgyu is different. He loves you more and he understands you more. He never left your side, unlike someone there.

"Are you okay?" Beomgyu grabbed my arm. I went back to my senses and abruptly nodded in response.

Yeah, just me and Beomgyu. No one else.

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