2 5 | R E V E A L

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That night, I went straight to my room after washing my face. I remembered the letter that I received and took it out of the drawer.

The longer I was reading it, the more familiar the handwriting looks. Now that I have put the pieces together, I'm sure that Yeonjun is still alive and him, writing the letter is possible.

It's almost 12 when I saw someone standing in front of our house, wearing a gray hoodie and a mask. I peeked out of the window and he was not moving an inch. We were both staring at each other.

He slowly took off his hood and mask, revealing his face. I gaped in shock and hurried downstairs. As I got there, I opened the gate and pulled him inside.

Before any word was spilled, I hugged him.

I missed you, Yeonjun.

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