0 9 | V I S I T

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09 | VISIT

"Soobin, let's get going," Beomgyu bumped his shoulder as he passed by me and shoot a backward glance. With a lowered head, I followed him and hopped on the bus that just arrived.

I silently sat by the window and fixed my eyes on the road.

"Hey," Beomgyu called, "It'll be alright," and gave me a reassuring smile. Moments later, we dropped off and entered a building.

I was holding a yellow garbera and forced my feet to walk up the stairs. My chest felt heavier and heavier every time I take a step. Beomgyu placed his hand at my back and caressed it. I tried to hold back my tears but it kept on rolling down my face.

We reached the room and I couldn't help but to feel pain and longing as I stare at the number of urns in the room. Beomgyu guided me to a specific urn.

My vision went blurry as I saw his name and his smiling face on a photograph. I couldn't believe that he's not with us. I couldn't believe that he's gone.

It's impossible. I refuse to believe that he's gone. We talked on the phone that day. He could not be dead.

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