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"Soobin, you slowpoke, hurry up!" Beomgyu gestured his hands for me to come closer to him.

I smiled along with the shutters. People are everywhere. Flowers, ribbons, and flashes can be seen in this view.

The graduation ceremony just ended. We graduated!

"We should visit Yeonjun!" I told Beomgyu while holding my certficate.

He nodded as a response and agreed. We went together to see Yeonjun's urn. We also brought some yellow garbera flowers and a polaroid with some films.

We are standing in front of his urn, holding out our certficates in front of him.

"Yeonjun-ah! We graduated!! Amazing, right? Beomgyu helped me a lot, so he also takes credit from my achievements!" I exclaimed. A part of my heart still aches though it has already been two years since you left us.

"Yeonjun-ah, we are doing fine and I hope you are, too. Let's meet again soon," Beomgyu said and we took a picture and placed the film in Yeonjun's space. We left the building after talking a lot of things with Yeonjun.

I wonder how things are if he's here.

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