2 9 | N O T A G A I N

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"Is something bothering you?" Beomgyu asked in a modulated tone.

I couldn't tell him. He shouldn't know. Yeonjun is dead, he died two years ago. He won't come back.

"You know you can't lie to me, Soobin. Tell me," he added.

"I can't... tell you," I answered.

"Is it about Yeonjun?"

I hastily lifted up my head and our eyes met. He slightly smirked. D-Does he know?

"So it is. What about him? You want us to visit him?" he said while putting some chips on his mouth.

"N-no. Let's not visit him again," I said with a flat tone.

"Ah why?! He will get lonely!"

"Just because!!"

"Why are you shouting?!"

"'Cuz you were shouting!"

We both sat in silence. It's better to not get involved with Yeonjun anymore.

"What made you think of that way?" Beomgyu questioned.

"He left us. Why would we still go to him?"

"Is that you speaking, Soobin? It totally sounds like a different person. Why are you saying things like that? Do you think Yeonjun wanted to leave us? Did he intend to leave us? Are you hearing yourself? Do you know what would Yeonjun feel if he hears you right now?" he sounded offended and pissed, but I can't blame him.

Did he really intend to leave us? I guess he really did. 'Cuz if not, he'd shown himself last two years ago.

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