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After our conversation, I went to see Yeonjun's body. I couldn't bear to see him lifeless but I took the courage for this will be the last chance that I'd be able to hold him.

My tears kept on falling. I want to wake up from this dream. Tell me this is not happening. That this is not real. Tell me that he is still alive. I did not really mean to wish you were really dead, Yeonjun!! WAKE UP!!

His hands were cold. He lips were no longer pink, it's almost white. He's not.. breathing.

I wailed in front of his deathbed, holding tightly to his hands. I don't wanna let him go.

I'm sorry Yeonjun. I'm sorry.

You didn't have to suffer like this. You didn't have to be lonely. You didn't have to be sad.

It was hard for you too and I only thought about how such an asshole you were, not knowing that I am an asshole too.

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