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36 | WHY's

I stayed silent and listened to the doctor.

"He has a hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, in which the wall of his heart muscle thickens and this thickened muscle disrupts his heart's electrical system. He has been coming here since he was a kid but he kept on insisting that he was fine. There was an accident two years ago that almost took his life."

You mean to say Yeonjun has a heart condition that I didn't know?!

"He passed out that day and we tried to recover him, thankfully we succeeded but his condition have gotten worse. He left this," the doctor handed me a brown journal and a necklace with a small padlock and a key. "He told me to give it to you if ever this day comes."

So he knows that he'll die?! Why didn't he tell me about his condition? Why is he so selfish? Why does he always leave us without giving a notice?

Why do you keep it all to yourself, Yeonjun? Why must you hurt yourself? Why are you so cool with everything? Why were you acting like everything was fine? Why didn't you tell me.....

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