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I finally answered my phone after a lot of rings. It was from Beomgyu. He kept on talking on the phone but I couldn't understand anything.

I got off the bus and started walking home. When I arrived, I saw Beomgyu waiting at our doorstep.

"Soobin! Where have you been?" he approached me and cupped my face.

"What happened to your face? Did you cry?" he looks so worried. I don't want him to worry, but I couldn't hold it and bawled on his shoulder.

He was trying to calm me down and he assisted me to get in the house. We sat on the couch and I could only hear my sobs. Beomgyu was hugging me.

After a couple of hours, I slightly calmed myself and Beomgyu handed me a cup of ice cream that he bought.

I can't lie to Beomgyu so I told him everything.

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