2 4 | A P O L O G Y

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I've been staring at my phone for hours already. I know I should call Beomgyu and apologize. It was not the right timing when I blurted out Yeonjun's name in the middle of our date.

I was so insensitive.

This won't do.

I grabbed my wallet and went out of the house. I'm going to see Beomgyu. I rode the bus and got off after I reached my destination.

Just as I was walking, I saw Beomgyu taking out the garbage. I ran up to him.


He looks upset.

"I'm sorry," I said and held his hand. "I was too insensitive. I'm sorry, please let me make it up to you."

His glares slowly turned into a beam.

"I didn't get a good sleep because of you!"

I laughed. "Do you think I did?"

We went out again and this time, I'll be more sensitive.

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