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13 | MEAL

I woke up unable to breathe because of a snot. It was a dream. I saw Yeonjun... but in a dream. It almost felt real. I miss his smiles, I miss his voice, I miss him.

I want to see him again.

The sun came up so fast before I could even realize. I got out of my bed and ate my breakfast, which I never usually do.

"Good to see you having a meal, son," my mom smiled at me so I gave a faint one in return. She brushed my hair and went to the kitchen.

The front door suddenly opened and saw Beomgyu. He greeted me with a wide smile. My mom doesn't mind since she knows Beomgyu goes here almost everyday.

"What a view!" he exclaimed. "You need to eat more. Look at you."

It's nice to have Beomgyu around. It's like I never feel lonely whenever he's here. However, when the day ends and the night begins, it becomes blue.

I can't help but miss Yeonjun.

blue twilight | yeonbin ✓Where stories live. Discover now