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I was exhausted from a long day, trying to find a job. I engaged in a lot of job interviews. Yes, I'm that desperate.

The day is about to end as I walked to the bus stop. I stiffened and gaped when I saw a very familiar figure sitting, waiting for the bus to come. He was wearing his black hoodie, a face covered with mask but I can clearly see his eyes. Those were the eyes I saw last two years ago.

The bus abruptly arrived and he hopped in, later did I realize that I was too late to enter the bus' door and wasn't able to ride. I brushed my hair in frustration.

That wasn't my only chance to ride the bus but that was the only chance to know if that was really Yeonjun.

Is he still alive? I want to know.

Two years ago, I received a call from him, it was after the fire, but his name was later announced in the news as a deceased person. How could it be possible?

I want to believe. I want to believe that Yeonjun is still alive.

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